Acts 20:32 (NASBStr)
And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
Paul is leaving the church in the city of Ephesus and professes he doesn't believe he will ever see them again. He doesn't know what he has in his future but he does know that it won't include more communion and service with them. Because he knows this fate he does the ultimate: He turns them over to God and to Christ (the meaning of: "... the word of His grace). Paul may not be able to be with them but leaves them in great hands: The hands of God and the power of Chris't changing the lives of these believers. Paul knew he was just the conduit for God. So, since he couldn't be there, God was still in charge. He was able to let go of his responsibilities and recognizes that God was not finished with these believers even if he was. God is in charge of the development of believers. Pastors, preachers, missionaries, teachers, etc. are just God's tools to accomplish the refining of His people. The tools ought not to think they are indispensable. God will still accomplish His purpose. Paul outlines this purpose: Building up and securing the inheritance for the final sanctification of the believer. God is the one who sanctifies. God is the one who builds up. When we are left in the hands of God we can be assured that God will accomplish His will: Strength and sanctification.