Thursday, November 14, 2013

Which is better? Money or Wisdom? Ecclesiastes 7-8

Ecclesiastes 7:12 (NASBStr)
For wisdom is protection just as money is protection,
But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors.

In today's society, given the choice, most people would take money over wisdom.   To prove the point you only  have to look at people who are given a choice to work on Sunday at double time the pay rate or attend a worship service where God will be revealed and, presumably, wisdom preached.  People will work for money but not work (go the extra mile in study) for wisdom.  In the above passage Solomon is giving us a great truth about the "protection" offered by money and wisdom.   The Hebrew word for protection in the passage is translated as "shelter" in the NIV and "defense" in the KJV.  The word is often used the O.T. to refer to the "shadow" we are in when behind a rock or mountain.   What the passage is telling us is that both money and wisdom can offer protection as it hides us in the shadow of the rock.  Both offer defense.  Those who are rich often use their money for protection against the storms of life.   The problem with the comparison, however, is that money doesn't have an eternal or lasting value.   A fool can possess money and never change the character of his life.   He can protect himself against many things in life with his money.  But, he can protect himself against his own folly.  The one who has wisdom is the one who preserves his life.  The one who has wisdom makes wise choices and those choices are a defense against the storms of life.   The foolish can afford a big, fast boat to enjoy the lake but doesn't even consider the storm that is approaching and choose to get the boat and passengers to safety.   The wise person has already sought shelter for their wisdom gives them prudence and discernment.   Money can only protect you from earthly issues.  Wisdom covers this world and the next.  

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