Monday, November 25, 2013

Did you know that God is concerned about the railing around your back deck? Deuteronomy 20-22

Deuteronomy 22:8 (NASBStr)
“When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, so that you will not bring bloodguilt on your house if anyone falls from it.

OSHA stands for Occupational, Safety and Health Association.   OSHA laws were passed in 1970 and were intended to protect workers from employers who cut corners and created potential work-place tragedy.  The US Government is behind OSHA and they can be fierce when the come into a work place if the business or industry has neglected its workers safety and health.  Apparently that even though the US Government has so much to do they still care if the low-wage earner of a fast-food industry is protected from hot grease.   That is what makes the above verse so amazing.   The God of the universe takes care of the entire human population, knows them by name and the very number of hairs on their head and yet, is concerned that the houses built by the nation of Israel have a balcony around the roof.   To under the the "parapet" we have to recall that houses in that day were flat roofed.   The roof was actual another place to live and even bath (think David and Bathsheba story).   To assure that no one fell off a roof, the God of the universe made it a law to put a railing around the roof to assure no one fell.   Yesterday it was reported that a man feel from the third level of a NFL stadium to his death.   OSHA will be fully involved.  It is nice to know that while the government takes care of the big industries in our lives, the God of creation was already watching and making sure that the makers of houses in the days of Israel did not cut corners.   God is the God of big things and the little things.   Nothing goes beyond His notice.   You can bet He is equally concerned about the activities of your day, today.  

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