Friday, November 22, 2013

Did you know that you are mentioned in Scripture? Zechariah 8-14

Zechariah 8:23 (NASBStr)
Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘In those days ten men from all the nations will grasp the garment of a Jew, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”’”

The Jewish nation has had a history of being ridiculed, hated and persecuted.  If we were to take the highlights of their historical journey would see something quite different than what Zechariah, through the Spirit, was prophesying to the nation in the above verse.   The nation, when this verse was actually spoken, was in captivity in Assyria.   They started out as the smallest of all nations, chosen by God, with nothing desirable by anyone.  The Egyptians turned them into slaves, the nations around them sought to destroy them, the Babylonians, Medes, Assyrians, Romans, Germans, and Arabs have all sought to annihilate them.  Today they are the most polarizing nation on the earth; even more than the U.S.A.   More people hate Israel than any other nation.   Yet, in the above prophesy they are told they will be sought after and ten men from "all" nations will grasp their garments and hope to go with them because "God is with you."   Remarkable as this may seem, add to the prophesy that almost every Jew in the world has rejected Christ, THEIR Messiah.   When this portion of Scripture states that the nations will want to follow the Jews to Christ we can't see it without remembering that the disciples were Jewish men and when they were sought by all men to hear the gospel message.   The gospel first came to the Jews and then the Gentiles clamored to hear it (Acts 10).   We will one day see this prophesy fulfilled even more, but until then, if you are a Gentile who believes in Christ, the Jewish Messiah,  you have not only had the privilege of have "God with you," you are one of the ten, the above prophesy talks about.  

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