Thursday, November 28, 2013

Do you understand the activities of God? Ecclesiastes 11-12

Ecclesiastes 11:5 (NASBStr)
Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things.

Man prides himself on what he knows.  He builds universities and colleges to convey what he knows to lessor souls.   He trades what he knows for power, prestige and position.  He boast about what he knows to his friends and enemies.   Yet, what does man actually know?   He can't even come to the knowledge that God made the heaven and earth.  He can't, according to Solomon's words above, tell us where the wind is going or how bones are produced.   You might have a few scientists, today, who will argue with Solomon's statement now that we are in the early 2000s.  But, Solomon's point is true:  Man doesn't know as much as he thinks and he certainly does not know the "activity of God."   God knows what He is doing.   Yet, we don't know what He is doing.  We only know that what He is doing is good and has a good purpose to save man.   But, those with the "knowledge" can't come to the faith that God has made the universe, forms the child in the womb and makes the wind blow where He wants (ask Job about the last of these activities).  It is only have we come to faith in God that we can appreciate the grace of God and His work in our lives.   We can rest assured that He is doing good in our lives.  His activities are good.   His care for us is involved in those activities.   I recently meet with a pastor who was going through some tough times.  He heard about me through one of my clients who the pastor had lead to The Lord.   The pastor was struggling about going to the mission field.  The mission field was with one of my life long missionary friends in Togo, West Africa.  His life experiences matched mine in so many areas.   He was praying for clarity and I was praying that God would use me to further the Church.   God used an atheist who came to Christ and was my client two years ago to bring us together.   We do not know the activities of God.  We can only rejoice that God is in control and His activities are right and good.  

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