Saturday, November 16, 2013

Did you know that God uses earthquakes in your life? Acts 15-16

Acts 16:25-26 (NASBStr)
But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them; and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened.

Have you ever had an earthquake in your life?  It could be guessed that no one would look forward to  or praise God for an earthquake, of any measurement, size or experience.   Most of the time people would describe all earthquakes in our lives as negative experiences.   Take a long look at the above passage.  Paul and Silas were in prison for their faith witness for Christ.   For most of us, that alone would be catastrophic.   It says in the verse just before this that they were tossed into the inner prison and shackled.   All this for casting a demon out of a young lady and setting her free from the first time in her life.  However, the young lady was making money by her demon possessed life and that made the town lords very anger.  So, into prison they went.   But, that "earthquake" in their lives was not enough to silence Paul and Silas; they began to sing.   Odd!   Yet, their faith caused God to move.  He could have simply put everyone to sleep and allowed Peter and Silas to float out of the prison with no one really knowing how or why.  He did that previously to Peter in the past chapters (Acts 12).  But, this time God brings an earthquake and shakes the doors open and the shackles free.  The result is not the death of the prison guard, as happened before (12:19), but life for the him and his entire family.   God can deliver us many ways.  Sometimes it is an earthquake in our lives and we don't know why.   God is in the business of deliverance.   He might do it by closing the mouths of lions (Daniel); He might do it by cooling the flames of fire; He might do it by having a baker set free from jail and suddenly remembering you were in jail, falsely (Joseph).   God delivers and He uses earthquakes.   The next time you have an earthquake in your life, look for a chance to win someone to Christ.  

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