Saturday, July 5, 2014

Did you know it takes much faith to do much forgiveness? Luke 17-18

Luke 17:5-6 (NASBStr)
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea ’; and it would obey you.

In the context of this passage the above interchange between Jesus and the disciples doesn't quickly appear logically sound.   The disciples were being told to forgive those who sin against them, even if they come and ask repentance seven times.   Yet, the disciples ask nothing about forgiveness, repentance, sin or salvation.    Instead what we read is that they are immediately drawn to ask about faith.   After further examination, however, we see that their question is very logical.  They believed Jesus teaching.   But, to believe His teaching to this extent would require greater faith.  Jesus told them to forgive even if someone repents seven times.   Faith is putting your complete trust in God's Word even though it doesn't seem logically correct.   It is not logical to believe that someone would come back to life from the dead, but by faith we believe it.  It was not logical to believe water would come from a rock, but Moses believed and it did.   It is not logical that we should keep forgiving someone, even if he sins against us seven times.   Forgiveness is about faith in God's Word.  Jesus is telling them to forgive based upon His Word.   Actually, it will be based upon His sacrificial death and atonement, later.   Our forgiveness of others is based upon our belief (faith) that God will produce different results that what the eye and the feelings believe.   To forgive others when they sin constantly against us is to forgive by faith.   Jesus doesn't actually tell them "how" to increase their faith.  He simply affirms their desire for more faith is, indeed, a great request.   Increase of faith can do amazing things, not limited to forgiveness.   Throughout this chapter He will give them ways to increase their faith, but the lesson here is to realize the importance of faith in correlation with forgiveness of others (read the Lord's Prayer again and see the same thing) and that desiring great faith is key to accomplishing much for Christ. 

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