Sunday, September 30, 2012

Why can "believers" come to God in confidence? Why do they? Hebrews 1-4

When it comes to prayer and approaching God with our requests, this verse from Hebrews seems to sum up our entire theology of prayer:

Hebrews 4:16
Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

It is a great verse to quote and put our faith upon.   However, this verse ends the last four chapters in which the writer warns the reader to be careful that they fail to enter into a "rest" from there works that God has provided through the work of His Son.   Christ came to finish the work and purify us.   Through faith, then, we are to cease from our works (like God did after He created the world and rested on the seventh day) and take rest in that finished work.  When the writer begins this verse, above, with the word "therefore" we have to realize this is a summary statement as to what he has just outlined for us.   We can draw near in confidence to the throne of grace and find mercy because the Son has provided it.  Our faith in that fact and historical and theological event is essential for us to cease from our own works.  We are not to "fall back" into the trap of practicing faithless worship and believe our works will bring us closer to God.   Remember, this book was written to the Hebrews.  They were tempted to think that the worship system they left in Judaism was necessary to approach God.  They missed the fact that this system, that God gave them, was to show them the "picture" of coming to God, not the "method."   Christ is the ultimate method and He provides the way.  Cease from your work and allow the Son to finish His work in you by having faith in His work.  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

What is the real message of the Church? Acts 1-2

As a professional speaker I have had much training and much experience delivering a speech or talk to a large crowd.   This training has taught me to do the three things every good speaker is told to do:  1) Tell the audience what you are going to tell them (the Big Idea); 2) Then, tell them what you told them you were going to tell them; 3) And then, in conclusion, tell them what you have told them.   Peter, the first preacher of Christ's church, a simply fishermen, is used by the Spirit to deliver the first "talk" or "speech" or "sermon" to a large crowd (Since 3,000 will get saved when he is done and some didn't receive the message we have to believe it was a very, very large crowd).   Perhaps this message is where we developed the three keys to a good speech mentioned above.  Peter, like any good speaker, begins with the Big Idea and then develops it and concludes with it.   But, it is not only his Big Idea, it is the Big Idea of the entire gospel and the Church of Christ.    Note how simply he outlines his message and our mission:

Acts 2:24
But God raised Him (Christ) up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

The resurrection of Christ and thus the defeat of death is the gospel message.  Christ came to save us from death.   That is the Big Idea of the gospel and should be the Big Idea of every sermon we preach.   God has, through His son, defeated sin and death.  We can rejoice in that message and can proclaim that message as our mission.   It was "impossible" for Him to held in death's power.  That makes us free from death's grip since we were "in" Christ.   

Friday, September 28, 2012

Brains and Brawn can't save you! Obadiah

People spend billions of dollars on their health and their education in this country.   Those two "idols" have been worshipped for centuries and will continue to plot the demise of many.   The problem is not with being healthy and with being educated, it is what those two tend to foster: Self reliance and self worship. We think because we are strong and smart; healthy and heady, we can conquer all and be all.  That is what happen with historic Edom, which is no more.  They had thought their strength and education (there understanding of all things) could rescue them from all things.  But, that was not so, according to God (who gives strength and smarts).  Note God's words through Obadiah in regard to His future punishment of them for their bitter attitude toward His people:

Obadiah 1:8
“Will I not on that day,” declares the Lord,
“ Destroy wise men from Edom
And understanding from the mountain of Esau?

When God is on the hunt nothing can save you but God.   God isn't impressed with your rational mind or your ruckus might.  He is the God of the Universe.  He created what you study.  He formed what you work out.   He sustains what you fail to realize will fail and is failing: Mind and Body.   Paul told us in his epistle to not focus on the body for the body will perish (1 Corinthians 6).   We are to focus on the Spirit and on the mind of Christ.   We are to exercise and educate but for the sole purpose of worshiping God and offering a more acceptable sacrifice to Him.  Don't make the mistake of the Edomites who thought their brawn and brain would save them in the Day of The Lord.  Rather use your faculties to honor and worship God and humbly seek Him.   

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do you know you have a thorn in your hand? Proverbs 26-27

Proverbs 26:9
Like a thorn which falls into the hand of a drunkard,
So is a proverb in the mouth of fools.

A drunkard state is celebrated by our society.   At least it would seem.   The Friday, Saturday night party is as common as the cold and the outcome about the same.   The majority of people can't wait to relax with a drink in their hands, and whereas the majority don't get drunk they laugh and enjoy the one who does.   There is nothing so funny as a drunk man who gets up on a picnic table to make fun of himself ... and others.   The drunkard doesn't realize he is funny.   He/she only realized ... well, correction, they don't realize and that is the point of this proverb.   Like a drunk man or women who doesn't realize what is happening to them so too a fool who is quoting a proverb; or, has the proverb at their very lips.   A drunkard could get a thorn stuck in his/her hand and not even know it.    They don't know the pain or the problem.   How many stories are told by people who wake up and don't remember the pain they caused or had inflicted to them because they were drunk the night before.  So, too, someone who denies the power of an awesome God, does not fear God and says there is no God.   That person is a fool and you can give him/her point blank truth and they will not realize what they have.   They won't realize the pain (like a thorn in the paw) that denying the truth they have will cause them.   They don't see that they are in deep trouble for rejecting God and His truth.  They only are high on their own thoughts and drunk with their own rational.  Don't be a fool:  Everyone is getting drunk on something when they are drinking in the Water of the Word.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God has you on His mind! Psalm 114-116

Psalms 115:12
The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us;
He will bless the house of Israel;
He will bless the house of Aaron.

The fact that God is mindful of  us is a humbling and compelling thought.   The God of the universe has all the universe to enjoy and to care for, yet He takes thoughts in us.  We are the focus of His attention.  We are the object of His love.   He not only is mindful of us, He also chooses to bless us.  Like the nation of Israel and the house of Aaron, God loves His people.   God bends down to lift us up.  God sent His son to redeem us.   Of course, Him being mindful of us has the other side.   He is mindful about everything about us.  He sees the dark side and the bright side.   He wants us to love him for what He has done because He sacrificed for us.   We can rejoice that God is mindful or we can fear.   Today we read about a God who not only writes to us but has a concern for us.   He is mindful of us.  Rejoice!  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We are God's hands - 2 Chronicles 6-10

We are the hand of God.   After Solomon had built the temple he dedicated it to the Lord.   Solomon recognized that God had fulfilled his father, David's desire through him.  God promised He would complete the temple, not through David, but through David's Son.   But, note the way he articulates God working within this project:

2 Chronicles 6:15
(God) who has kept with Your servant David, my father, that which You have promised him; indeed You have spoken with Your mouth and have fulfilled it with "Your hand", as it is this day.

Solomon recognizes that it was God who completed the temple.  God fulfilled what He promised with His "mouth" and fulfilled it with His "hands."  But, who's hands actually did the work?  It was God working through the hands of the nation of Israel that fulfilled the promise.   God's hands are the actions of His obedient people.   When God needs to build something he chooses to do so through our hands.  When God needs to touch someone He does so through our hands.   When God needs to care for someone He does so through our hands.   We are the hands of God.  In 1 Corinthians 12 we read about the Body of Christ and the Body Parts of God.   We all fulfill those parts.   Today as we interact with God we may be called to be His mouth, His hands, His feet, His legs, His back.   God is glorified when we allow Him to use us to accomplish His desire.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

The reason the Saturday night party destroys Sunday morning worship! Numbers 25-28

It is easier to seduce than to strike. Seduction is trickery than confrontation. In 25:1-9 we see that the Moabites finally got the best of the Israelites using the seduction method. The King of the Moabites had asked Balaam the Prophet to curse the Israelites, but God would not allow it. Instead, Balaam gave the Moabites the idea to through a party and invites the Israelites. Parties always work to deceive the beloved. How many believers fail to show up Sunday morning because of the party they attended Saturday night? The reason Saturday night has been so evil is the way it keeps the pews empty from hearing God's Word on Sunday morning. In this case the Moabites were successful to get them to attend party after party. So much so that the Israelites began to intermarry with the party goers. God invented fellowship. God designed the aspect of enjoyment. So, the party is not the issue. But, in this case they began to worship the god of the Moabites. The problem with the party mindset is that clouds the mind and causes us to make poor decisions. Don't let the world suck you into their party. It isn't the party that is the problem ... its the poor decisions that come with it.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

You can make me forgive him!!!! Philemon

Often we find ourselves in the place of wanting or needing to correct someone, another brother or sister in the faith.   God puts us in that position often in our homes, in our churches, sometimes in our work environments.    There may be no natural formula for confrontations of this type.  There are so many different variables in every situation that are different and evolving.   Often it is better to correct in private (see Matthew 18).   Public rebuke is typically, in Scripture, used for those who fail to repent.  However, in Philemon Paul gives us an unusual approach to correcting a bad situation.  Maybe it is because he sees the potential for peace that he is willing to go to unusual means to accomplish it.   Paul knows the power of Christ and the work of Christ - he does not want to shame that.   He goes to the extent of writing a very public letter (we are reading it today) to Philemon asking him to forgive a run away slave, who apparently took something from Philemon in addition to running away.   IF for a moment we can get past the "slave" issue note that Paul handles a private matter publicly.  Paul says he could order Philemon to forgive the slave, but instead he wants to appeal to Philemon out of love:

Philemon 1:8-9
Therefore, though I have enough confidence in Christ to order you to do what is proper, yet for love’s sake I rather appeal to you —since I am such a person as Paul, the aged, and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus —

Paul had the authority to correct Philemon.   But, rather than use the authority he had in Christ Paul uses a higher motivation - Love!   When we can come along side (the meaning of the word "appeal" above) on the grounds of Love rather than Authority we change the dynamic.  We are saying, "I am in this with you."   Paul wants all to know (including us) that Christ's death and resurrection had heavy practical value.   Forgiving others is at the bases of our love for Christ and His love for us.  We can't say we are thankful for Christ's forgiveness of our sins and then hold and lord over the sins of others.   The appeal is love.   The power to do so is found in love.   Go out today and forgive someone ... go love someone.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Leave everything to follow Christ and He still gives you everything - John 19-21

Leave the job of fishing to serve Christ and Christ will still provide the fish you need. If you read chapter 21 of John you read the story of Peter and the disciples fishing. Christ tells them to put the net on the other side (and they obey) and they catch 153 fish. But, when they realize it is Christ they run to shore (leaving the fish) only to find cooked fish with bread on a fire at the shore. If we are willing to leave behind the things we love to serve Christ we will find that Christ will still provide those things we love for our pleasure. But, these fish were already cleaned and cooked. Following Christ is not a sacrifice it is a privilege that Christ will reward.  The only that has changed is that the disciples no longer want fish.  They want to be followers.   God doesn't always take away what we desire but when we allow Him to change our desires what we wanted before we want for different reasons in different ways.  It is not about the stuff it is about the stuff of the heart.  Let God change your hear.

Friday, September 21, 2012

What numbs your pain? Amos 5-9

In the midst of pain and sorrow we have many options to turn to. For some that turn ends up in a bottle, or in a syringe or in a work schedule. The try to numb pain by covering it with pleasure that is only temporary. They may turn to sex for a brief high that gets their mind off their fear or the turmoil. The world, society, is a master at turning toward things to soothe the troubled soul. People come home from a hard days work and turn on mindless television and escape through entertainment so they don't have to deal with the stress at work. They gorge themselves with food so they don't have to be bored with a meaningless life. In the midst of all those "coping" mechanisms the real answer is found in the faith and character of God:

Amos 5:8
He who made the Pleiades and Orion
And changes deep darkness into morning,
 Who also darkens day into night,
Who calls for the waters of the sea
And pours them out on the surface of the earth,
The Lord is His name.

In the midst of Israel's fall God noticed the way they turned to things to solve their pain and sorrow. They built houses and surrounded themselves with all the wrong things.  They planted vineyards in which to glean grapes for wine to get drunk (5:11).   But, God knows the real answer to pain, sorrow and torment.  It is in the character of God.  It is in the fact that He made the heavens and the earth.  Those stars we see at night a pretty but they are also a vivid picture of the awesome power of an eternal God.  When that sun rises in the morning and darkness is changed to light that is a relevant picture of what God can and does do in the heart.   When we have a hurricane that wipes out entire cities that is God calling the "water's of the sea and pouring them out on the surface of the earth" because He can.   The Lord is His Name!!!   In all the indictments against the nation and all the things He says to them the most powerful message He wants them to know is that He is a mighty and awesome God.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

If your waiting for your feelings before you act you will never act - Proverbs 25

Proverbs 25:21
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;

We are often ask, commanded, in God's Word to do things we don't "feel" like doing.   If we waited until we had a "feeling" to forgive someone, love someone, or do good to a person who hurts us, we would never forgive, love or act.    That is the importance of this proverb.   Solomon (and Paul, again, in Romans 12) tells us to act before we feel.  I am not to act because I feel.  I am to act because God told me and it is the right thing to do.   We will handle the next verse later, but the result of our action, over feelings, is that the person receiving the act of kindness will be highly affected.   Again, that proverb is for another time.   Let's focus here on how this "action" over "feeling" affects us.   The result of action over feeling is that it introduces and ushers in feelings later.   As we act and do what we know is right the feelings that we have done good and done right changes.   Our feelings react to the actions we take more than do the actions flow from feelings.   A sustainable life style is to act and allow the feelings to flow from that action.   One person said it as follows, "You are more like to act yourself into feeling than to feel yourself into acting."  If I wait until I feel like exercising I will never exercise.  But, if I go out and exercise the feelings to continue and to keep going sneak up and begin to flow.  Don't wait until you feel like being kind to your enemy.   Obey and be kind.   In so doing you will affect how your enemy feels, but you will also affect your own feelings.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

God gives light in dark places - Psalm 111-113

Psalms 112:4
Light arises in the darkness for the upright;
He is gracious and compassionate and righteous.

Those who are in darkness should remember that the Father of lights is still there. In Psalm 112:4 the Psalmist tells us that even in darkness the light dawns for those who walk according to the likeness of God. Finding light in the middle of a dark moment is a wonderful thing. Dark moments can come from many places.   They can come when you are walking in the light and you simply desire more "light" (direction) from God.   Even though you are actively engaged in doing something for Him you desire more.   You crave for Him and His light.   Dark moments, however, can also come from walking out of the light.   God promises light for His children but when we disobey we deliberately walk into the light.    We fail to realize that disobedience is an action that we take to leave the light and move into darkness.   In both of these ends of the spectrum, however, God is there to rise light out of darkness.   God wants us to follow hard after Him and promises light as we walk.   That light might not seem available but it is certainly all around us and in God's character to provide it us.   His Word lights our path (Psalm 119).   His Son is the Light of the World (John 9).   His Spirit was sent to guide us in all truth (John 16).   So, if you want to have that light then walk according to light.  God will provide it to you.   He can make the darkest times full of His wonderful light.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How can I be a great leader - 2 Chronicles 1-5

2 Chronicles 1:1
Now Solomon the son of David established himself securely over his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him and exalted him greatly.

We all know the exploits of Solomon.   Even the world, with little knowledge of the Bible, knows a bit or two about Solomon's wisdom.  The decision with the two mothers and the cutting of the baby in half is the stuff folk lore comes from.  However, what the world doesn't know and what even believers tend to forget is what we see in the first verse of this section.   Solomon "established himself securely over his kingdom and the Lord was with him ...".    It is important to realize that the wisdom of Solomon, the prestige he holds in history and the riches he accumulated are direct gifts from God.   Solomon committed his kingdom, leadership and life to the glory of God, therefore God could give those things to Him.  Solomon "established" himself over his kingdom BY making sure God was with him.   He begins his ministry of leadership by worshipping God PUBLICLY and by making sure the rest of his leadership was on board with him.   True leadership that is "established" over something (a kingdom, a home, a business, a church) is first and foremost a leadership that has God's glory at the center.   When God's glory is at the center riches, power and popularity don't matter.   Only God can give us what He knows we can handle and need.   Lead for His glory and your leadership will be established.  

Monday, September 17, 2012

Would you sell out to the world? Numbers 21-24

The world would like to offer many promises and blessings to the believer if the believer would only go contrary to God and His Word.  The world is willing to make us comfortable and filled with pleasure.   When Jesus was tempted by Satan, He was offered kingdoms, if He would only but worship the Evil One.   It is not surprising, therefore, that Balak offered to pay Balaam, the son of Beor, many great wishes if he would just curse Israel. When Balaam refused and stated he had to only what God told him to do, note King Balak's response:

Numbers 24:11
Therefore, flee to your place now. I said I would honor you greatly, but behold, the Lord has held you back from honor.”

Note also Balaam's response:

Numbers 24:12-13
Balaam said to Balak, “ Did I not tell your messengers whom you had sent to me, saying, ‘Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything contrary to the command of the Lord, either good or bad, of my own accord. What the Lord speaks, that I will speak ’?

Believers are tempted by every bill board, TV ad, magazine insert and internet site to sell their commitment to do God's Word in favor of a few pieces of silver.  Judas sold Christ for the silver and the power to be someone more than he was meant to be.   Peter took the road of self-preservation, denied Christ and saved his own skin.   Demas left Paul in love with the world (2 Timothy 4:10).  We each sell our Christ and His Word for momentary self gratification.   Balaam eventually will go for the riches and offer to Balak a way to seduce Israel.  This great seduction becomes a great example used by God countless times in His Word to warn us about compromise.   Balaam finally got his riches.  To do so he simply had to go contrary to God's Word.   Do we all have a price to sell out God? 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What damages God's Word the most? Titus

There are many things a pastor, priest or minister could say that validates and verifies the Word of God.   He could set out to prove the doctrines of the Holy Scripture with a thesis of words and explanations that would mesmerize the human mind.  And, many have set out to do that.   Paul could have told young Pastor Titus to do that.  In some sense he did tell Titus to master the Word so that he would be able to refute false teachers and be able to defend the faith (Titus 1).  However, in chapter two Paul outlines another way to make sure God's Word goes forth with validity, power and authority.   Note is words to young Timothy:

 Titus 2:1-5 - 
1 But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine. 2 Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance. 3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, 4 so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.

Notice the last line of those verses: "... so that the Word of God will not be dishonored."  Paul is telling the young minister that his preaching can be filled with fire and brimstone but if someone does not honor God's Word with their life and lips the preaching of the Word will be dishonored ... God's Word will be dishonored.   Our conduct is a verification of the power and authority of God's Word.  We dishonor it when we don't follow through in obedience.   Our obedience to God's Word brings us blessing.  But, more importantly, our obedience brings honor to God's Word.  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Everyone will live forever ... but what really is eternal life? John 16-18

What is eternal life? People want to live forever.  They have an innate desire to live.  We don't want to die.  Most people fear death so eternal life is quite compelling.   But, enteral life, according to Christ, is something much more than living forever.   Christ had a completely different definition of eternal life:

John 17:3
This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

Christ came to provide eternal life and He describes that eternal life as "knowing God." It is clear that in order to live forever you must Know God, but the point of eternal life is not the living forever but the knowing of God.    Everyone will live forever.  That is a given in God's Word.  The only thing to determine is where and how you live forever.   Those who don't know God will live forever in eternal damnation and torment.   Those who have faith in Christ will come into a relationship of knowing God and live with Him.  In Luke 13:27 we read that God will have many coming to Him in their death and claim to have done great things for God.   But, His words to them will be, "... depart from Me, I never knew you."     Paul tells us in Phillipians 3:10 we read that his goal is to "know Him" (speaking of Christ).  In Genesis 3 we see that Adam knew God and walked with God and fellowshiped with God.  But, when Adam sinned he lost that relationship to God and became and alien and hostile to God (Romans 8).  Our goal in the gospel is to believe in Christ's work so that we have our relationship with God restored.   Christ came that we might have life and have life in abundance ... but that abundant life is the knowledge and relationship we have with God through Christ by faith.  Get to know Him more today.   That is eternal life.  

Friday, September 14, 2012

God WILL judge the world and IS in control - Amos 1-4

The power of God is often displayed in how He responds to our sin and disobedience. God does not tolerate our disobedience. Thankfully His mercy makes it possible for us to continue in life, but the power of His justice still takes hold. In the last verse of chapter four in this section we see that God forms mountains and creates wind.  Note the prophets words:

Amos 4:13
For behold, He who forms mountains and creates the wind
And declares to man what are His thoughts,
He who makes dawn into darkness
And treads on the high places of the earth,
 The Lord God of hosts is His name.

 We see that He reveals to us His plans and He has the power to turn the dawn to dark. We should be thankful that God's power and justice are always balanced with His mercy and His grace.  In these first four chapters of Amos' prophecy we see a God in perfect control and judging those who disobey Him.   God is sovereign and those who fear the crisis and lack of justice in the world need to constantly remember that God is in control.   He will judge those who reject them.  Maybe now we don't see it, but we will see in in the future.   God is not slack concerning His Word.   He will fulfill it.   God, who made the mountains and the wind, will restore the earth and care for all the justice in the world.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What is your excuse? Proverbs 23-24

Proverbs 24:12
If you say, “See, we did not know this,”
Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts?
And does He not know it who keeps your soul?
And will He not render to man according to his work?

Excuses, Excuses!   We are so good at excuses!   The sun was in my eyes so I couldn't catch the ball!  My dog ate my home work that's why I don't have it!  I'm not feeling good today and won't be coming to work ... I will, however, be playing golf this afternoon!   When it comes to excuses man is the master.   "My wife made me do it!" said Adam to God.    We think our excuses are profound and valid.  In the above proverb Solomon tells us that if we use the excuse, "We did not know this," God will find us out.   God sees through excuses.  He "weighs" the hearts.   If you say I can't serve in church because I am too busy, God weighs the heart.   This proverb says God "keeps the soul."  If you say you can't forgive because the pain is too bad despite the fact that He provided the way and commands us to forgive, God weighs the soul.   God will render a man according to his work because God knows the heart and soul of man.  When it comes to serving God and worshiping God and loving God and man we need to do away with the excuses.  We need to realize it is sin in our lives that hinders us from obedience, confess the sin and find power in the resurrection of Christ, via Faith.   No more excuses ... have Faith in God. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What if the other person just doesn't want to get along? Psalm 108-110

We have very little control over how others treat us.  In Psalm 109 we have a Psalm of David as he is being mistreated by a former friend.   Is anything more painful than to have someone you love suddenly, or eventually, turn on you?   Someone you took supper with, you fought side-by-side with, or acted graciously toward?  David prays a very hard and tough "imprecatory" prayer in regard to this dilemma.  He prays some hard things toward this person(s).  But, no matter his good this offender, David, like us, has to give it over to God.   His good did not win the person.  His bad cannot destroy the person.   He has but one option of value ... give it to God:

Psalms 109:29
Let my accusers be clothed with dishonor,
And let them cover themselves with their own shame as with a robe.

Scripture tells us that as much as in us try to leave at peace with all men.   But, we can't always have peace with "all" men.  Some men are set on war.  Some men choose not to forgive when you offend them ... and, you will offend them.    Some men choose to hate.   Some men are not always eager to enjoy and embrace peace.   For those men there is little you can do.  You must love where you can but you ultimately must turn this over to God.   He alone can bear it.  He alone can fix it.  He alone can correct it.   As I write this I am on my way to school in our state to resolve a conflict between two staff members.   I have no doubt the administration hopes I can make the problem go away.   However, I realize only God can resolve these conflicts.  He may use me to provide understanding and insight but the fruit of that labor comes from God.   God alone heals the pain between men.  Give yours to Him.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Toss the stuff ... treasure the past. 1 Chronicles 25-29

I'm not much for collecting things.   My wife may differ as we go through our two storage units, however.  I wouldn't say I hoard but I just have trouble remembering that I have this stuff and I just forget about it.  It lays around and then I stumble across it.   But, that is my stuff.  I am not much into collecting things that others had.    I do have a soccer jersey a famous player once wore hanging in my storage.  It is for my daughter more than me.  It has very little value ... it is a jersey from a female soccer player ... that is not worth much in our society.   

But, holding on to things of the past, just doesn't interest me.  The same wasn't true for King David as he prepares the people for when Solomon is to build the temple.  When David began to divide up the responsibilities of the temple he put someone in charge of the treasures that he had won in battle.   But, in 26:28 of this section we also see that he put someone in charge of the treasures that had come from Samuel and Saul.   That implies that someone had held onto these valuable items for quite some time.  Samuel, of course, was the great prophet and all respected him.   Whatever he touched or owned would be valuable in any era.   But, there was also treasure from King Saul.  And, although David found a way to respect and honor him, most of Israel would see Saul's treasure about the same way our society would view my female soccer player's jersey ... insignificant.   Yet, David put someone over both Samuel and Saul's treasures.   David realized that the treasure of the past was more than just material goods.  Samuel and Saul were part of the heritage of Israel.   He saw this "stuff" as valuable in the sense it was treasure, but more so, that it was history.   We would do well to toss out the junk we have in our possession and we hoard in our storage closets.  But, we would do better to hold onto the things that have history and heritage for us.  In the once sense our society does hold on and hoard.  But, in another, it moves from one thing to the next so quickly it fails to hold on to the heritage of the past.  We can destroy the junk but we must hold onto the meaning.   That is what David was assuring by putting someone in charge of the treasury of these two leaders of Israel. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Do you see your impurity? How do we get clean? Numbers 18-20

Man is unclean!   We don't think of ourselves as unclean but that is how God describes us.   We think we are wise and educated and talented, and worthy of God's acceptance - especially if we do some good work for others.  We actually think we can balance the scales.   We know we have evil within us, but we truly believe that our good out weighs the bad and we can more than balance the scales in favor of the good.  In Numbers 19 we see that God institutes a sacrifice known as the Red Heifer sacrifice.   It is given to the nation of Israel as way for them to get purification.   The assumption is they need purification.   There would be no need for a sacrificial system to restore purity and provide purity if we were not pure.  Until men admit their impurity they have no need of a red heifer sacrifice, designed solely to provide purification.  In chapter 19 we see that Moses uses the words purify, unclean, clean, purification, uncleanness, and purity over 30 times.   God is about to establish them as needing purity.  To accommodate that need a perfect red cow was to be found.  One that had not been used for plowing or any work and one that had not yet given birth.   The red heifer would be taken outside the camp and killed.   Her ashes would be mixed with water and used as a way to purify those who recognized their impurity.   The picture here is simple:  Jesus is our red heifer.  The red heifer in Israel's day was a symbol of what the Messiah would eventually do.   Christ went "outside" the camp to be crucified (Hebrews 9:13-14; 13:13).   Christ, the living water, will wash us from our impurity.  He alone can provide a pure heart and empower us to live a pure life.  On our own we fail.  Through the sacrifice of our Red Heifer we  have purity provided ... to those who recognize they need it and come to faith to receive it.  

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What makes a "difficult" day? 2 Timothy 3-4

2 Timothy 3:1
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.

If you asked most people to describe a difficult day, what would you get? Their car broke down? Their kid is failing Algebra? They lost their job? They have no savings account?   What would it be?   Paul tells us that in these last days there will be difficult times.    We all would define a difficult time differently. So, Paul goes on to tell us what he means by difficult times.  It is doubtful that his list would compare with most of our lists.   Paul gives us a list of 19 things that will characterize the end times and what he means by the phrase "difficult."  Note Paul's list:

2 Timothy 3:2-5
For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self- control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.

Let each of us realize that our difficult times, unless they are characterize by this type of conduct, are simply minor discomforts.   God is interested in our comfort but not to the extent His Central Worship in our lives is hindered (see Haggai 1).   God does not want us to think of difficult times as a flat tire on a car.   God sees difficult times as a period where man has rejected Him.   We are in those times.  Are we concerned about them?  Are we grieved about the things on this list.   Those who want to live a holy life and are trying to live a holy life will be affected by this list.   These type of things are opposable to holiness.   The next time you have a "bad" day see if it is characterized by a life in opposition to the world and not a mere discomfort.  Standing tall in a slouching world would make for a difficult time. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Who Helps You? John 13-15

John 14:16
I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;

When I went through school I often was given a helper to assist me in the understanding of complex math problems.   Actually, they were not that complex.   I had trouble with simply multiplication tables.  So, my sister would be assigned the job of showing me flash cards ... one of my little sisters.   They didn't help me for a long time but it was enough for me to eventually learn them.   When I was in the advance stage of training in the Army we had a Drill Sergeant who's sole job was to help us stay on track and get through the training.   He didn't stay with us very long but long enough to get us through four months of training.   I had a driver's education person who helped me learn how to drive.  He eventually got out of the car.   I have a tax guy who helps me with my taxes ... he leaves by April 15 ... if I'm lucky.    We get so many people who help us find a place in a town we aren't familiar with, but they don't stay with us ... thankfully.   But, in the Believers life God provides a "Helper" (the Holy Spirit) who will be with us "forever!"   I love that thought.   Right now, right here the Spirit indwells me as I write this.   Later today I will watch a movie with my wife ... I don't have to buy Him a ticket but the Spirit will be there.   Later tonight He will be beside me as I watch a football game.   He may not cheer for my team but He will be present as I do.  To some that may be a scary thought.  They might prefer to be "alone" in their life and not have God "watching."   But, to the true believer the thought that the Spirit of God is right there ... forever ... is a comfort and a confidence.   Let's rejoice that the Spirit of God is right here, right now, to "help" us.  

Friday, September 7, 2012

Why does God repeat the same message over and over? Joel

Sometimes God has to give a message to us more than once.   In the book of Joel we read the same message as his contemporary, Zephaniah. Both of these prophets are telling us about the coming day of the Lord.   They are both warning the nation of the same thing.   God has to tell us more than once because we are dull of hearing spiritual things.   In the gospel we see Jesus telling the Pharisees and Disciples the same things over and over.  In Paul's writings we see the same themes and, sometimes, the exact words to different audiences (Romans and Galatians) and some times to the same audience (1 and 2 Corinthians).  The Bible message is not a complex system of religious rhetoric.   It is a message of God's Love, unfolded by His Mercy and Grace and supported by His perfect justice all directed depraved man.   Yet, we make it difficult and we reject it and we ignore it.   So, God has to repeat it.  Here He has to repeat the warning that they are going into captivity because of the sin and God is going to judge them and unbelievers for disbelief and disobedience.   They won't listen.   God will send more prophets.   Jesus was the last one.   They didn't listen to Him either.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Where does a life of anger and emptiness come from? Proverbs 22

Proverbs 22:8
He who sows iniquity will reap vanity,
And the rod of his fury will perish.

Solomon's wisdom was given to him by God.   So, when we read something written by Solomon we need to realize the vast depth.  Though mere words they carry insights deeper than we can imagine. In the above proverb we have a psychological dissection of the inner man and how he works ... in his sin.  Solomon shows a complete correlation between sin (sowing iniquity) and anger.    Yes, Paul told us we could be angry "without" sin (Ephesians 4:26), but that is for righteous anger, not human, flesh anger.   Solomon also shows us a correlation between the "empty" life (reap "vanity") and the sowing of sin and producing of anger.   The interchanging of these symptoms (?) or actions or fruits gives us much insight into how to "change" problems.  Anger flows from a life of sin.   People who live in sin and are non-repenttive are destine to produce an empty life and a life that has the fruit of anger.   That anger, will eventually, says Solomon, be quenched by the life of emptiness. If we were to paraphrase the verse we might say it this way: He who sows sin will reap emptiness and all that anger will soon perish with the one who sows sin.    A psychologist might say it this way: A life of unconfessed sin produces shame ... shame will eventually produce an angry soul ... an angry soul will eventually be evident by a life that seems empty and full of nothing ... because it is.   

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Do you see a drought or a place for a facet? Psalms 105-107

When we look at life through the eyes of faith we see different things.   We see what God "can" do not what is.   In this section of Psalms (105-107) we see the marvelous wonders of God and His providential working the lives of man.   We see Him harness His creation and bend it to the will and want of man.   God is firmly in control.  When we are lost in the sea of life and we are confounded by the pains the world can give us, we need to remember to look at life through the eyes of faith; which sees the world differently.  You and I see famine and dryness.   But with God on our side, we should see a pool of refreshment and a place of wonder:

Psalms 107:33 & 35
He changes rivers into a wilderness
And springs of water into a thirsty ground;
He changes a wilderness into a pool of water
And a dry land into springs of water;

It is hard to imagine that God can turn dryness into life and flowing with water, but that is what He does.  He can change the circumstance and He can change the heart in the circumstance.  He often prefers to the later over the former, however.   God wants us to see the possibility within a problem for HIs miraculous work rather than simply the problem.   A dry land is a place God is about to water, when we see it through the eyes of faith.   God desires to change all of our dryness to springs but first wants to change our eyes of flesh to eyes of faith. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Peace is not only the absence of war ... 1 Chronicles 20-24

God gives peace.  God and only God can grant peace.   In 1 Chronicles 22:9 God tells King David that his son, Solomon, will reign when he is gone and God will give him rest from his enemies. Before we look at that further we should understand that there are two types of peace God provides.  One, listed here, is that He removes conflict from our lives. Peace becomes the absence of war.   But, in John 14:27 we read that God not only takes away the enemies, He also provides His Spirit.  So, in this case, peace is not the absence of something, but the presence of something.   God is telling David that in Solomon's day God will not only take away the enemy from him but will provide "rest".   Note what the verse says:

1 Chronicles 22:9
Behold, a son will be born to you, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side; for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quiet to Israel in his days.

God will not only take away the pain and the suffering the enemy can provide but also provide "rest" in its place.   Many people can acquire freedom from enemies, but only God can make the equation satisfied on each end ... He can take away the war AND provide the presence of rest through His Spirit.   Let us rejoice in the fact that God not only takes away the enemies, but through faith He provides HIs Spirit ... and quiets and rests our soul.   

Monday, September 3, 2012

Standing Tall in a Slouching Word - Numbers 13-17

When we stand tall in a slouching world, God sees it.   In the story of the spies going into the promise land you have the story of 12 men who came back with different feelings and a different direction based upon the same facts.  All 12 saw the milk and honey of the land.  All 12 saw the abundant grapes.  All 12 saw the tall giants.   But, only 2 were willing to see these giants through they eyes of faith in God rather than the eyes of flesh.   Caleb and Joshua saw these giants as simply a foe God would have to care for.  They remembered how God destroyed the Egyptians.  They remembered the meat God "fly" in from the sea to feed everyone.  They remembered God producing water from a rock.   They saw, by faith, what God could do while the other 10 saw what flesh could only see - giants in the land.   This is the prefect example of "group think" that is based upon fear rather than faith.   But, in the midst of the group the two "positive deviants" were willing to take a stand for God when the others around decided to slouch like the world.  The rest would die in the worldliness.   God took notice of these two men.  He would reward them.  God always notices those to take a stand in a slouching world.   Are you slouching or standing?   God notices. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Take the gift and set it on fire today! 2 Timothy 1-2

In our society we have come to admire those who have special talents.   We especially hold the athlete in high esteem.  Those, who from their youth have practiced a sport or discipline and excel beyond all the others.   The Olympic games are a venue for such prodigies. Their parents make great sacrifice and commitment at an early age to produce a "gold" medal athlete/child.    If they lose in the olympics and age is on their side you see them return game after game to attain their goal of Olympic Gold.   Their parents, all along, there to make sure they do not tire or retire before their prize is won.   It is no doubt they go through several stages of energy in their quest.  Days they want to give up and days they want to slack.   Such is the same for young believers.   Timothy was a child prodigy of the faith.  Paul tells us that "from a child" he was taught and believed the Scriptures.   Even Timothy's grandmother was involved in formulating his knowledge.   Yet, Paul was worried that the flame for God would, or could, diminish and he gives young Timothy this warning:

2 Timothy 1:6
For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

Paul knows that the fire for God in our hearts, despite a heritage of deep roots, may glow dimmer and dimmer if we do not activity "kindle afresh" the gift we have been given.   Too many young believers let the flame go low or possibly even extinguish.   Paul sees that our part in our Salvation is by faith to keep the fire burning.   We toss sticks on the fire of the gospel by believing in His Word for daily challenges.  We fan the flames by trusting in His promises day-by-day.   When we do good works it pours fuel on the flames of His love to produce hot coals others can warm their hearts and hands around.   We have an obligation, through faith, to fan the flames of our salvation.   Today we are to "kindle afresh" the gift of God which is in us.  

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Unfortunate problem or Miraculous potential? John 10-12

For hundreds of years man has been asking the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Philosophers, psychologist, preachers and politicians have all voiced their opinion over the centuries. In chapter eleven of John we have an answer most to even fathom.   Apparently one of Jesus' disciples and personal friends was sick, unto death.  His name was Lazarus.  He was loved by the Lord. His sisters, Mary and Martha, had waited on Jesus and served Him faithfully.  They were all believers.   They were "good" peoples. Yet, Lazarus was dying and the Lord of the Universe was at their disposal.  Yet, note Jesus' response when told of this tragedy in the making:   

John 11:4-6
But when Jesus heard this, He said, “This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it.” Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when He heard that he was sick, He then stayed two days longer in the place where He was.

Not only does Jesus "NOT" spring into action, He purposely delays His actions.   He even states that the sickness won't bring death.   Yet, that is what it will bring ... temporally.   We see here a marvelous clue as to "why" bad things happen to good people.   Jesus is going to use the "bad" thing to bring glory to Himself and the father.  Lazarus, Mary and Martha are only the vessels God is going to use "this time" to bring glory to Himself.   Without Lazarus dying Jesus can't bring Him back to life.   God brings and allows things to come into our lives for us to be vessels for His glory later.  Job had this experience.  Joseph had this experience.  David had this experience.   Moses had this experience.   You have this experience.  It is not that a bad thing happens to us but what Good thing will follow.  God wants to bring glory into our lives for HIs good.   We have a chance, in the midst of bad, to see His hand.   Moses is leaning on a rock in the desert that looked like a normal rock.   It was a normal rock until the nation of Israel complained about no water.   God made a fountain out of the rock.   Their thirst and complaining made way for God's miracle.     What miracle is God wanting to produce in your life as a result of your bad fortune?  

How Evil Can Man Be When God Is Absent? Judges 17-21

  Judges 19:16-21 (ESV) And behold, an old man was coming from his work in the field at evening. The man was from the hill country of Ephra...