Sunday, September 2, 2012

Take the gift and set it on fire today! 2 Timothy 1-2

In our society we have come to admire those who have special talents.   We especially hold the athlete in high esteem.  Those, who from their youth have practiced a sport or discipline and excel beyond all the others.   The Olympic games are a venue for such prodigies. Their parents make great sacrifice and commitment at an early age to produce a "gold" medal athlete/child.    If they lose in the olympics and age is on their side you see them return game after game to attain their goal of Olympic Gold.   Their parents, all along, there to make sure they do not tire or retire before their prize is won.   It is no doubt they go through several stages of energy in their quest.  Days they want to give up and days they want to slack.   Such is the same for young believers.   Timothy was a child prodigy of the faith.  Paul tells us that "from a child" he was taught and believed the Scriptures.   Even Timothy's grandmother was involved in formulating his knowledge.   Yet, Paul was worried that the flame for God would, or could, diminish and he gives young Timothy this warning:

2 Timothy 1:6
For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

Paul knows that the fire for God in our hearts, despite a heritage of deep roots, may glow dimmer and dimmer if we do not activity "kindle afresh" the gift we have been given.   Too many young believers let the flame go low or possibly even extinguish.   Paul sees that our part in our Salvation is by faith to keep the fire burning.   We toss sticks on the fire of the gospel by believing in His Word for daily challenges.  We fan the flames by trusting in His promises day-by-day.   When we do good works it pours fuel on the flames of His love to produce hot coals others can warm their hearts and hands around.   We have an obligation, through faith, to fan the flames of our salvation.   Today we are to "kindle afresh" the gift of God which is in us.  

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