Monday, September 10, 2012

Do you see your impurity? How do we get clean? Numbers 18-20

Man is unclean!   We don't think of ourselves as unclean but that is how God describes us.   We think we are wise and educated and talented, and worthy of God's acceptance - especially if we do some good work for others.  We actually think we can balance the scales.   We know we have evil within us, but we truly believe that our good out weighs the bad and we can more than balance the scales in favor of the good.  In Numbers 19 we see that God institutes a sacrifice known as the Red Heifer sacrifice.   It is given to the nation of Israel as way for them to get purification.   The assumption is they need purification.   There would be no need for a sacrificial system to restore purity and provide purity if we were not pure.  Until men admit their impurity they have no need of a red heifer sacrifice, designed solely to provide purification.  In chapter 19 we see that Moses uses the words purify, unclean, clean, purification, uncleanness, and purity over 30 times.   God is about to establish them as needing purity.  To accommodate that need a perfect red cow was to be found.  One that had not been used for plowing or any work and one that had not yet given birth.   The red heifer would be taken outside the camp and killed.   Her ashes would be mixed with water and used as a way to purify those who recognized their impurity.   The picture here is simple:  Jesus is our red heifer.  The red heifer in Israel's day was a symbol of what the Messiah would eventually do.   Christ went "outside" the camp to be crucified (Hebrews 9:13-14; 13:13).   Christ, the living water, will wash us from our impurity.  He alone can provide a pure heart and empower us to live a pure life.  On our own we fail.  Through the sacrifice of our Red Heifer we  have purity provided ... to those who recognize they need it and come to faith to receive it.  

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