Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Toss the stuff ... treasure the past. 1 Chronicles 25-29

I'm not much for collecting things.   My wife may differ as we go through our two storage units, however.  I wouldn't say I hoard but I just have trouble remembering that I have this stuff and I just forget about it.  It lays around and then I stumble across it.   But, that is my stuff.  I am not much into collecting things that others had.    I do have a soccer jersey a famous player once wore hanging in my storage.  It is for my daughter more than me.  It has very little value ... it is a jersey from a female soccer player ... that is not worth much in our society.   

But, holding on to things of the past, just doesn't interest me.  The same wasn't true for King David as he prepares the people for when Solomon is to build the temple.  When David began to divide up the responsibilities of the temple he put someone in charge of the treasures that he had won in battle.   But, in 26:28 of this section we also see that he put someone in charge of the treasures that had come from Samuel and Saul.   That implies that someone had held onto these valuable items for quite some time.  Samuel, of course, was the great prophet and all respected him.   Whatever he touched or owned would be valuable in any era.   But, there was also treasure from King Saul.  And, although David found a way to respect and honor him, most of Israel would see Saul's treasure about the same way our society would view my female soccer player's jersey ... insignificant.   Yet, David put someone over both Samuel and Saul's treasures.   David realized that the treasure of the past was more than just material goods.  Samuel and Saul were part of the heritage of Israel.   He saw this "stuff" as valuable in the sense it was treasure, but more so, that it was history.   We would do well to toss out the junk we have in our possession and we hoard in our storage closets.  But, we would do better to hold onto the things that have history and heritage for us.  In the once sense our society does hold on and hoard.  But, in another, it moves from one thing to the next so quickly it fails to hold on to the heritage of the past.  We can destroy the junk but we must hold onto the meaning.   That is what David was assuring by putting someone in charge of the treasury of these two leaders of Israel. 

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