Monday, September 3, 2012

Standing Tall in a Slouching Word - Numbers 13-17

When we stand tall in a slouching world, God sees it.   In the story of the spies going into the promise land you have the story of 12 men who came back with different feelings and a different direction based upon the same facts.  All 12 saw the milk and honey of the land.  All 12 saw the abundant grapes.  All 12 saw the tall giants.   But, only 2 were willing to see these giants through they eyes of faith in God rather than the eyes of flesh.   Caleb and Joshua saw these giants as simply a foe God would have to care for.  They remembered how God destroyed the Egyptians.  They remembered the meat God "fly" in from the sea to feed everyone.  They remembered God producing water from a rock.   They saw, by faith, what God could do while the other 10 saw what flesh could only see - giants in the land.   This is the prefect example of "group think" that is based upon fear rather than faith.   But, in the midst of the group the two "positive deviants" were willing to take a stand for God when the others around decided to slouch like the world.  The rest would die in the worldliness.   God took notice of these two men.  He would reward them.  God always notices those to take a stand in a slouching world.   Are you slouching or standing?   God notices. 

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