Sunday, September 23, 2012

You can make me forgive him!!!! Philemon

Often we find ourselves in the place of wanting or needing to correct someone, another brother or sister in the faith.   God puts us in that position often in our homes, in our churches, sometimes in our work environments.    There may be no natural formula for confrontations of this type.  There are so many different variables in every situation that are different and evolving.   Often it is better to correct in private (see Matthew 18).   Public rebuke is typically, in Scripture, used for those who fail to repent.  However, in Philemon Paul gives us an unusual approach to correcting a bad situation.  Maybe it is because he sees the potential for peace that he is willing to go to unusual means to accomplish it.   Paul knows the power of Christ and the work of Christ - he does not want to shame that.   He goes to the extent of writing a very public letter (we are reading it today) to Philemon asking him to forgive a run away slave, who apparently took something from Philemon in addition to running away.   IF for a moment we can get past the "slave" issue note that Paul handles a private matter publicly.  Paul says he could order Philemon to forgive the slave, but instead he wants to appeal to Philemon out of love:

Philemon 1:8-9
Therefore, though I have enough confidence in Christ to order you to do what is proper, yet for love’s sake I rather appeal to you —since I am such a person as Paul, the aged, and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus —

Paul had the authority to correct Philemon.   But, rather than use the authority he had in Christ Paul uses a higher motivation - Love!   When we can come along side (the meaning of the word "appeal" above) on the grounds of Love rather than Authority we change the dynamic.  We are saying, "I am in this with you."   Paul wants all to know (including us) that Christ's death and resurrection had heavy practical value.   Forgiving others is at the bases of our love for Christ and His love for us.  We can't say we are thankful for Christ's forgiveness of our sins and then hold and lord over the sins of others.   The appeal is love.   The power to do so is found in love.   Go out today and forgive someone ... go love someone.  

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