We don't always listen to the right people. However, sometimes even the people closes to us are the wrong people to listen to. In Genesis 16 we have the story of Sarah suggesting to Abraham the idea of him taking Sarah's handmaid to "fulfill" God's promise of a baby. Her lack of faith and Abraham's willingness to listen to her leads to a HUGE issue that still last today. The war between the Arab nation and the Jewish nation today is only one of the fallout's of Abraham's decision to follow the wrong advice. It is hard to not listen to bad advice in our lives today. Much less when it comes from those who say they love us. However, we are warned in Psalm 1 to not follow the advice of those who give ungodly counsel. Ungodly counsel is anything contrary to God's Word. In Genesis 15 we see that God had once again reiterated that He would supply an heir to Abraham and that heir would be from Sarah. Yet, despite God's explicit command he listens to his wife. Like Adam, someone close offers a suggestion and Abraham disobeys God's Word. We are to be careful to follow God's Word, despite who offers the advice. The best advice we can give our spouses is the advice of God's Word. Perhaps we should begin our speeches to our life partners with, "What does God's Word say?" We can be so easily led astray by those close to us. We should be closer to God's Word less we allow that advice to lead us astray.