Friday, January 14, 2011

A wrath and hope sandwich - Isaiah 7-11

If you read this section of Isaiah you may have been confused as to what the prophet is saying specifically to the Israelites and generally to us. Isaiah is now predicting what is going to happen to the nation of Israel in the north, Judah in the south, as well as how God is going to use the wicked nation of Assyria to punish them both. This section is very much about the wrath of God expressed on a people who rejected Him and disobeyed Him. But, you can't read this section without seeing also the theme of great hope that is offered in the midst of that wrath. Despite the wrath on most, God will provide a Savior for the remnant He saves through that wrath (10:20). The themes here are many but the over-reaching emphasis is the Savior that's provided through the storm. Where God expresses His wrath He also demonstrates His mercy through the Savior. Praise Him for His salvation. The whole intent of God's wrath is to put in in stark contrast to His abundant mercy. This truth is made completely clear in Romans 11 when God stresses that He actually created some vessels so He could pour wrath out on them only to create some vessels He could show mercy. God's wrath honors His holiness but it also exemplifies His righteousness and mercy to us.

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