Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Different" Messengers - Same Messege - Matthew 3-4

Ever see a street preacher? Our image of the corner herald can be mixed. We might applaud the message but be abhored by the method. If you read the story of John the Baptist in Matthew 3 you might envision that same street preacher image. Clothed in camel's hair clothing and eating locust certainly puts him out on the fringe of public speakers. As a public speaker John's dress and diet doesn't sound like something I would emulate. However, later we meet the actual Subject of John's message and discover He, Jesus, has the exact same message: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (3:2 & 4:17). Both spoke the same message but had a different look about them. In our society we get so caught up in the medium (delivery) that we reject or deminish the message. We sometime strive so hard to entice others with a fancy delivery that we forget the simplicity of the message. People today want their ears tickled. They want flashy, high tech, and bright lights kinds of delivery and the message or contents are often overlooked or smothered by the packaging. John the Baptist, in appearance would not attract a lot of today's people groups to his services. But his substance was the same as his Saviors. Don't get so caught up in having a popular delivery method. However, make sure the message is the same and as simply as our Savior's: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

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