Wednesday, January 12, 2011

People Talk - Psalms 3-5

Perhaps one of the most difficult things to deal with in life is how to handle when others are talking ill about you behind your back. If you have done something wrong or foolish it may be expected, but it is even then, never-the-less tough. But, when you have done nothing wrong and you are being talked about or it is being interpreted improperly, it can be unbearable. King David experienced both these type of situations. He was talked about for the public sin he committed but also for things he didn't commit or do. In Psalm 3-5 we read in each Psalm of someone speaking out against him and defaming him (3:2; 4:6; & 5:9). The answer in each Psalm to those who slander and send arrows with their tongues, is absolute faith and trust in God. David runs to God to be his defense. He doesn't defend or combat, he trusts in the sovereignty of God. He exalts in God's ability to defend His people. David knows that the character of God always trumps the deceitful tongue and nature of man.

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The Great Exchange - Matthew 26-28

Matthew 27:15-23 (ESV) The Crowd Chooses Barabbas Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the crowd any one prisoner ...