Friday, January 21, 2011

God's discipline through unusual means - Isaiah 12-17

How exactly does God discipline and wheeled out His punishment on mankind? If you read these chapters of Isaiah you were given a glimpse into the methodology of God's work in regard to discipline and corrective behavior. You could sum up God's approach by saying that for those who misuse God's creation God uses His creation to correct their behavior. As you read through these verses that are Isaiah's prophecy against the countries of Babylon, Moab and the northern tribe of Israel (Damascus) you can see that God often uses the little things of creation to punish mankind. He stops the summer fruit from being produced (17:9); He uses one army against another (13:5, 17); He stops music from playing or a want to play music (14:11); He turns the water into swamps (14:23); and, fields, vines and food will be withered up (16:8). God has a plan to use the very creation they abused against those who oppose Him (14:27). No one can prevent that plan. He did the same against Egypt when Moses brought the plagues of God against them for their arrogance. When God wants to correct us and move us in a different direction He simply has to use the little parts of creation to get His work done. He can have a snow flake fall in Atlanta and stop air planes in L.A. God uses creation to correct and discipline. We ought to rejoice at His ability to accomplish His purposes through the vehicle of His creation.

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