Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strong Drink for the Perishing - Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:6-7
Give strong drink to him who is perishing,
And wine to him whose life is bitter.
 Let him drink and forget his poverty
And remember his trouble no more.

Apparently strong drink and wine, at the proper levels of consumption, does exactly what it is supposed to do.   Solomon, who undoubtedly was surrounded by good drink in this form and manner, must have had plenty of chances to see the affects of strong drink and wine.  Think of this verse when the new year comes around.   I have no doubt many are plan on getting wasted at a New Year’s Even party.   They are doing so for many reasons, of which "tradition" may lead the list.  On New Year's Eve we get drunk .. it is what people do.   But, there may be other reasons.   The last year wasn't all that good.   The next year doesn't look that much better.  Many are poor and many have seen trouble after trouble.   Many see their lives through "bitter" eyes.   Solomon says when you see someone like that, give him wine and drink to cause him to forget his state and his status.   It is possible that this proverb by Solomon is stated in a tongue-in-cheek manner.   Since their lives are so bitter and in a state of poverty, Solomon gives in and says let them get drunk, there is little left for them.   It is doubtful that fatalistic view was on his mind (however, if you read Ecclesiastes, you can see where that thought is often echoed).  Solomon could be saying this in a sarcastic manner, as well.   Give them drink to get wasted since they have wasted their lives.   It is possible, however, to believe that  Solomon is telling the person who is perishing and in bitter poverty to relieve their stress with something God created, strong drink and wine.   The purpose of the two is to relax the senses and to forget the day(s).  The problem comes when we use this God-given creation to excess and fail to come to God, the ultimate comfort for the perishing, bitter soul.  The key to the passage is that the strong drink and wine is to be given to those "who are perishing."  This is for someone who is ready to depart and in dire straights.   This is not a verse for New Year's Eve.  It is a verse when you might not see another year.   Understand God does provide some comfort to those who are perishing.  We can not miss this portion of the text.  Solomon is writing to give comfort to the “perishing.”   It is probably more practical to think of this passage as medicinal than in the context of excess and experiential.   Those who are perishing are in pain and on the verge of death.   The medicine for this during Solomon’s day would have been strong drink and wine.  It would be used to ease their pain as they do, indeed, perish.  

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