Friday, October 18, 2019

God is Awesome - Nahum

Nahum 1:5 (ESV Strong's)
The mountains quake before him;
the hills melt;
the earth heaves before him,
the world and all who dwell in it.

God Is Awesome

The old playground adage is used when one kid is smaller than they other kid, so the smaller states, “But, my dad is bigger than your dad!”   Being able to boast about your father and how awesome he is should be an inalienable right of all sons.   Sadly, that is not true, since all dads are not awesome.  Unless, of course, you are a child of the King and your dad is God.  If that is the case you can easily and rightly boast, “My Father is bigger than your father.”   In the above text we see a small glimpse of how awesome God is.   Think about the world pictures we have here:

1. Mountains quake
2. Hills melt
3. Earth heaves
4. The World and all who dwell in it heave

We don’t live in a time that the “whole world” would even admit there is a God, much less “heave before Him.”   This is where understanding the book of Nahum will help.  The prophecy Nahum was sent to say this message to the Ninevites.  About one hundred years earlier a prophet was sent to deliver a message to the Ninevites; his name was Jonah.  He did not want to go because he knew God was forgiving and would forgive them.  And that is what God did.  Even though the Ninevites were very, very wicked, God forgave them.   Yet, 100 years later, they had returned to their wicked ways.  In Jonah’s message to them, God showed His awesome and powerful grace.  In Nineveh’s message to them, God is showing His awesome and powerful judgment.   Either way, God is awesome.   What part of His awesomeness we experience is determined by our response to His grace.  Receive it and we receive more.  Reject it and we receive His wrath.   Either way, God is awesome.  Someday the entire world will bow before Him.  

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