Friday, April 28, 2017

Tag: Satisfaction in God - Jeremiah 17-21

Jeremiah 17:12-13
A glorious throne set on high from the beginning
is the place of our sanctuary.
O Lord, the hope of Israel,
all who forsake you shall be put to shame;
those who turn away from you shall be written in the earth,
for they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living water.

Note:  Satisfaction in God

The metaphor of water as a tool to communicate attributes about God and The Christ is used repeatedly in both the Old and New Testaments.  Jesus told those who followed and were attracted to Him that He was the "living water."  The story of the Woman at the Well in John 4 is, probably, the most prominent story of these told in the Scripture.  In the above passage the nation of Israel (Judah) is rebuked for their following and searching for other gods, rather than the Lord, the fountain of living water.   Why we, as mankind, would seek something other than the fountain of living water is perplexing.   God is the God who can satisfy every moment, every trouble, every emotion, and answer every question and solve every problem.  Yet, we turn to the desires of our flesh.  We want an instant gratification and our mind turns to the gods of this world to satisfy that longing, hurt or wonder.   God is the Fountain of Living Water.   Our society probably doesn't get that reference as much as Biblical characters would.   The women at the well, hearing of "Living water" was more pleased that she would never have to go to the well to draw out water and take it back to her home.  We turn on faucet after faucet and water just flows.   This is not so in the Biblical narrative.  They had to go get water.  That water was refreshing, but it was not "living."    To find satisfaction in God is to realize He solves and cares for everything.   He is Living Water!!  Be satisfied in Him.  

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