Saturday, April 29, 2017

Tag: Assurance in God's Word - Mark 13-14

Mark 13:31
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

Tag:  Assurance in God's Word

Jesus is about to be crucified.  He is giving His disciples their last instructions.  These faithful followers asked Him about the "end times."  They wanted to know: 

Mark 13:4
“Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?”

Jesus begins to unfold before them the signs of future events.  There is much dispute about the "when" of these events.   There is, however, no dispute about the "fact" of these events.  That is the point of the above verse.   There may be a variety of interpretations about it, but there is one thing for sure: God's Word is true and WILL NOT pass away.  There are many Christians who dispute what other believers think God's Word says, but the fact that God's Word is true and permanent, is beyond dispute to those in Christians. The world may not recognize it, but God's Word is assure as their own face in a mirror.  God will not let His fade away without bringing it to fruition. God keeps His Word. That is what we can trust it.   God fulfills everything He says in His Word.  We have that assurance.  Other's word is not reliable as all men lie and fail to fulfill their promises.  But, not God.  If He were to break His word all things, as we know it, would not be true.  God has a promise to return and He will.   The earth will be destroyed, God's Word is true.   God will set up His kingdom, God's Word is true.  

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