Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Truth #360 - There is much reason to boast about God!! - Psalm 149-150

Psalms 150:6 (ESV Strong's)

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!

Truth:  There is much reason to boast about God!!

It is fitting that the Book of Psalms would end with such statements as those above.   The entire book is about singing out praise to God and why that praise is both commanded and a natural out-pouring of the life of a believer.   The book would be better named Book of Boasting about God!!    The Hebrew word in the above verse is the word "halal".   The first time in the Old Testament we see the word is in Genesis when Abraham arrived in Egypt and the princes of Pharaoh "boasted" to Pharaoh of how beautiful Sarah was.   The word is used in the O.T. more that 165 times.  Almost half of those times the word is used in Psalms.   What the writer is saying is that everyone who has breath should "boast" about God.   In the early parts of this particular psalm the writer tells us to use certain types of instruments to "halal" about God.   The English word, "hallelujah" is the combination of "halal" and "Yahweh" the Hebrew word for God.   So, hallelujah means, "boast about God."   Throughout the entire book of Psalm the writers are telling us the way and reason to boast bout God.    So, to end the book, in this manner, is to realize that the very breath we have is to be spent praising God and boasting about what He has done for me and will, yet, do for me!!   What a way to spend the day!!

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