Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Truth #359 - God has the power to put His people in places of power - Esther 6-10

Esther 9:4 (ESV Strong's)

For Mordecai was great in the king's house, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces, for the man Mordecai grew more and more powerful.

Truth:  God has the power to put His people in places of power.

The above verse is just one example of God putting His people in places of power to influence the non-believing kings of the world.  Probably the most famous of these "influencers" is Joseph and Daniel.   Both these men, slaves by trade, were, through Divine circumstances, placed in positions of great power.  They were given great influence over the decisions of the land.  They were enable to do great things for the People of God.    Joseph, Daniel and Mordecai are great examples of what God can do in our lives if we but submit to His sovereign rule and reign.   God is not intimidated by the leaders of this world or any world.    We often come to a place of fear because of what some crazy dictator or selfish politician can do to those around them, especially to the Christian.  Yet, God has positioned in the exact right place someone to be the voice in the ear of such men to divert their plans or influence their decisions.   We ought not to fear what man can do to us.   We ought to be in the fear of the Lord of how God can place us, like these great men, in the exact location to whisper into the ear of the king (whatever type of "King" it is) and affect a decision for the Kingdom of God.    Proverbs 22:1 states the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and like the waters in a river are controlled by the banks of the river, so too is the king's heart controlled by God.   What a blessed and restful thought.

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