Thursday, December 24, 2015

Truth #361 - God created love-making for us to enjoy - Song of Solomon 7-8

Song of Songs 8:14 (ESV Strong's)

She Make haste, my beloved,
and be like a gazelle
or a young stag
on the mountains of spices.

Truth:  God created loving for us to enjoy

Hollywood and the Internet have objectified the love making between man and a woman.  They have exploited for their own gain and for the moral corruption of society.  They were not the first.  They are simply one group(s) in a long line throughout the centenaries of man's existence.   The book of Song of Solomon is a complete story of a man and a woman, in love, and wanting to fulfill love.   It is God's narrative on love-making.   It is, perhaps, the most mis-understood book in the Bible (perhaps even more than The Revelation and Daniel).  It is always difficult in the book to know who is talking and if the metaphor is speaking of sex, or, actually, it is not a metaphor.   It isn't then surprising to come to the last verse (above) in the book and wonder what the main female character is saying to us.   The book is a culmination of the two lovers adoring, gazing, dreaming and/or thinking of the other in the context of physical attraction and sexual desire.   The last verse is the female speaking to the male and telling him to "make haste" (like a gazelle or young stag ... a very fast animal) on the "mountains of spices."   Assuming "mountains of spices" is one last metaphor for the sexual experience, or, at least, for the body of the woman that awaits the man, it is God's last words on the beauty of the sexual experience.  The metaphor of spices was used before by Solomon in Proverbs 7 to create a vision of the sensualness and pleasure found in the sexual experience.   When you open the cupboard in the kitchen that contains the various spices for cooking, the fragrances are amazing.   Imagine a "mountain" of spices.    That is the picture God leave us in regard to the sexual experience.  The main male figure in the story is told to "make haste" to this mountain.  I doubt if he has to be told.   The beauty of the sexual experience, as told by God, stands in stark contrast to the smut and denigration the world has made the art of love-making.   We are to rejoice in what God intended.   Sexual pleasure is a mountain of spices.

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