Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When you look what do you see? 2 Kings 6-10

2 Kings 6:17 (NASBStr)
Then Elisha prayed and said, “ O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Elisha's servant has a problem.   When he went outside he saw the armies of the  King of Aram had surrounded him and Elisha.  In obvious fear he reports to Elisha the dire straight they are in.   Elisha, as a man of God, tells him that there are "more for them" than are against them.    But, Elisha is looking at the situations with a different set of eyes.   He knows that God is there for them.   And, as a spiritual man, that is how he sees that situation and all situations.    In verses seventeen, above, we have a great example of what we should do when we are working with a believer who has less faith and wider eyes of flesh than they should.   Elisha prays for his servant.   He doesn't get frustrated with him.  He doesn't try to open the servants eyes through a class.  He doesn't guilt the servant into see what he sees.   Elisha knows that the only one who can open the eyes of this servant is God.  So, Elisha prays.  He prays that God would open the eyes of the man so he would see the army of angelic hosts God has on their side.   Only God can open our eyes.  Jesus told HIs disciples that in Matthew 13:15-16.  Paul prayed that for the Ephesian believers (Ephesians 1:18).   He wanted their eyes open so that they would see their hope in Christ.    Seeing God in every situation is a God enabled thing.  It is God who opens the eyes of our understanding.   We ought to be praying that for our children, co-workes, fellow church members, everyone we know.   Oh that God would open eyes by the Spirit of God to see the things of God.  When we pray for our children we need not give them things.  We need to ask God to open their spiritual eyes to know and see The Lord of Hosts who is on their side.   Let's not give them instruction; let's pray God will open their eyes to the power of God!!!

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