Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Are you up against a rock and a hard place? Psalm 81-83

Psalms 81:16 (NASBStr)
“ But I would feed you with the finest of the wheat,
And with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”

God majors on converting tough times into blessings for us.   The Bible is full of times when God took a bad situation and brought "honey" from the rock.  Nothing is a better example of that than our own salvation.  We were completely depraved and had nothing God needed or could desire and yet, through Christ, God took the cold, hard rock of our heart and made it sweet for Him.   Paul was a man who persecuted the church and was licensed to kill believers. He personally held the coats of the flash mob that stoned Deacon Stephen.   Yet, God turned his cold-hard heart into a source of honey as the writer of Scripture for the Church.  Of course, the exact example Asaph is writing about in this Psalm is when God literally had water flow from a rock to quench the cold-hard hearts of the Israelites lust and desire.   God sent birds from the sky and manna from heaven.  We ought never to stare at a the "rock" of our problems without first remembering that God majors on turning them into sources of sweet sustenance.   Everywhere we turn in Scripture God was able to take the hard and difficult and make it soft and sweet like honey.   That is what God does.  Rejoice in your rock today.   It will be your source of honey tomorrow.  

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