Sunday, June 2, 2013

When others see your life, who do they give credit? Galatians 1-3

Galatians 1:24 (NASBStr)
And they were glorifying God because of me.

If you want a real test of your maturity and ministry for God use the above verse out of Galatians 1 that Paul applied to himself.   Paul, by our measurements today, is a rock star ... or, so to be one.   He had an experience that is recorded in Acts 9 and seldom have had a salvation journey like his.  Right after that experience and few years later (at least 3 plus) no one recognized him.   But, they did hear of what he was doing.   He at one time was persecuting the church and now he was working for the very One he refused to believe.   God had done a work in Paul's heart and now Paul was doing a work for Christ.   Yet, the thing that Paul uses as a measurement of his ministry was that others were speaking of God and what God did in his life.   When you are both the noun and the verb of a sentence, you are not glorifying God with your life or ministry.   Allowing God to work in you does not mean you will be the subject others are talking about.   When we are humbled by God's grace in our lives we can rejoice that He does a great work.  We know all that is happening because God is getting the glory for it all and not we, ourselves.   Let's rejoice that God can and does do a work in our lives.  Let's not try to steal His glory.  

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