Monday, April 15, 2013

Do you believe in the blood? Exodus 9-12

Exodus 12:13 (NASBStr)
The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.

Imagine the faith they had to believe they would be protected by the mere blood of the lamb!   God had just performed in front of them countless miracles of destruction.  He had protected them from most of the plaques, but they still had to believe to assure that the angel of death would passover them.  They had to "work" by putting the blood around the door, but it was not their work that they had faith in for their salvation.  It was faith in the promise of God that He would see the blood and passover them.  This was an act of faith.   We too, as believers in the blood of Christ, must believe that God will pass over us when it comes to judgement on this earth.   God has made a promise that His Son's Blood will cleanse us from all sin (Hebrews 9:17).   We look at the blood on the cross and believe that by faith in the promises of God He will no longer punish us for our sins (Romans 8:1).   The Blood was a sign to them and the blood is a sign to us.   But, the blood points to the promises of God.   Our salvation is a based upon God's promising to pass over us if we believe in the blood of Christ.   No plague will befall us because of His shed blood.   He had to die a death in which His blood was spilled.   Our faith in that blood is fundamental to our salvation.   It is not our works that save us but the blood of Christ.  

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