Sunday, April 14, 2013

Do you have the right gift? 1 Corinthians 12-14

1 Corinthians 12:11 (NASBStr)
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

God gives gifts.  God give gifts to believers in the body so that they can edify the body.  He, and He alone, decides who gets what gifts.   We might be failing in the exercise of "giftedness" by saying this or that is "my" gift.    Is it possible, since gifts are given by God, for Him to change the gifts He gives you?   Perhaps for one season you might have the gift of teaching, but for another season the gift of helps.   Where does it state that I am to find my gift, seize it and claim it as my own?   As God puts the body together He distributes the gifts, "individually, just as He wills."    Yet, what if the needs of the body change?  Does that mean that God can also "redistribute" them as "He wills?"   The key to remember is that we are always in possession of giftedness from the Spirit and we are to use that gift, whatever it is, to serve the body and edify the body.   Paul instructs us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts.   Our goal in life ought not to be locked into a manner (particular giftedness) in which we are serving, but rather serve, believing by faith that God will provide the gifts I need for the task set out for me to do.  Too many people use the excuse that "that service project isn't my giftedness" and don't participate in the service.   They believe since they don't have the gift of "teaching" they can teach when the task before them is teaching.   Yet, can't God, via our faith in Him, provide that gift to us to complete the act of service laid before us?  Why do we limit our service to our gift?  Shouldn't we expand our service believing God can provide the gift I need to serve where He wants me to serve?  That is living by faith.  

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