Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bench players seldom get recognized - 1 Corinthians 1-2

The book of 1 Corinthians was writte to the Church at Corinth to correct some problems in Christian doctrine, believer's practice and church divisional strife. Yet, you can read one sentence in without noticing some structure in Paul's writings that not only tells us something about God and His love for all believers but also Christian practice and unity. In the first verse of the first chapter we read that Paul, an apostle of Christ, is writing the letter. Of course, it is actually the Holy Spirit writing the letter through the mind and hand of Paul. The Spirit takes a moment to mention a man named Sosthenes. He apparently is in Paul's company and is signed on as a "co-writer" of the book. We don't typiclally don't notice a man like Sosthenes. I would expect in a game of Bible Trivia most wouldn't be able to place his name properly in Bible lore. In fact, if you read this passage prior to reading this devotional, you might have to go back to actually notice his name. Sosthenes is mentioned in Acts 18:17. In Paul's first trip to Corinth he is run out of town. Sosthenes is beaten as an example. But, we read in the passage that the ruler of the day didn't even notice him. He is mentioned twice in God's Word and, in simply reading of the Bible, missed completely. To us, players who sit on the bench, typically don't get noticed. We don't see the practice player, (the one putting their time in doing the same things as the star). We only see the star. In our story here, the Star (is Paul ... well, Christ, really). Sosthenes is just a mention. But, he is mentioned by the Spirit because God notices all believers, not just the Stars. God knew Sosthenes was beaten and took notice. God takes notice of the "weaker" parts. In fact, in 1 Corithians 12:22 Paul will talk about the "weaker" parts of the body being just as important as the more noticable parts. With Paul's writings often his "method" is his "message." Paul is about to call the Corinthian church out for their division and their looking for the more "lofty" gifts. In his opening line he makes his message complete: Whether star or servant we are all messengers for Christ and to Christ. If you are a Sosthenes in your church and missed by others you are noticed by God.

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