Saturday, March 3, 2012

Man is so, so proud of his "buildings" - Matthew 23-25

In Genesis 10 we see the story of mankind building a tower that would go up to God. It was the biggest building ever made by man. They were so proud. God, seeing their pride, dispersed their efforts by simply changing their tongue (they could not communicated so their team effort was destroyed ... lack of communication will always destroy a good team effort). But, God may have stopped their efforts but it didn't sway they feeling in man's heart to his own great accomplishments and the pride he finds in his building things. Through the ages man has puffed his chest at what he has made. In 24:1 we read that when Jesus finishes speaking in the temple and pointing out the pride of the religious leaders, the disciples stop him to point out the "temple buildings" (24:1). They were so proud. As if to tell the God of the universe they had accomplished some great thing they point out the quaint display of mankinds efforts: The climax of his talent to that day. Jesus must have laughed under His breath. He simply stated, that, soon, all this would be destroyed. That, of course, sends the disciples into panic mode to ask "when?", "how?", and "why?" questions. Today man is so proud of his iPhones, Air-Jets, Clothes patterns, TV shows; his own creativity and his own power. But, God still laughs. Compared to a beautiful butterfly or simply snow flake, man's creation is futile. The iPhone is soon replaced by the iPhone 4; Jets crash; Clothes are tossed to a second-hand store, and so on. We ought to be proud of God's plan and His creation. We need to humbly enjoy what we make and admire the talent God gave us to His glory. That thing you admire today will be destroyed tomorrow if it is not from God's creation.

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