Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mountains on every side - Psalm 125-127

Unless you lived in Jerusalem it is tough for you to see and understand the power of Psalm 125:1-2.    Mount Zion in verse one and Jerusalem in verse two are the same place; one place - two names.   The writer is drawing attention to the safety and security that is found within the city of Jerusalem because of the geographical position and makeup.  But, he is really drawing us to the theological implications of this. Just like mountains provide a measure of safety for Jerusalem, so too does God provide safety for His people.  The mountains are not going anywhere - neither is God.   The mountains are unmovable - so too is God.  The mountains are always there - so to is God.  The mountains are the a symbol of power and might - God is power and might.   The only area where the two don't fit in the writers use of them as a metaphor is in the fact that the mountains are seen every time  you look up.  God is not always seen.  We sometimes think we are in a desert place where the wind, the beasts, the armies of this world and the storms of life can attack us.   But, in reality we are surrounded by God's powerful presence, like unseen mountains of protection.   We might not see Him, but like Mt. Everest, He stands towering over us and protects us from the elements of life.   We don't see physically see Him so we don't practically feel Him.   But, He is there.  No storm can break through the mountain to affect the people in the village when the mountain of God keeps us safe in the valley.   Rejoice in the unseen mountains that surround you.   They are there whether you see them or not.

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