Thursday, November 3, 2011

Laziness, Industry, Balance and Greed - Ecclesiastes 3-4

Solomon was a business man, an entrepreneur, a king and an observer of life.   In chapter four of this section he gives us great insight into the world of business and industry in regard to our balance for life.  Read the following again from 4:4-6 ...

(4) "I have seen that every labor and every skill which is done is the result of rivalry between a man and his neighbor.  This too is vanity and staving after wind.  (5) The fool folds his hands and consumes his own flesh.  (6) One hand full of rest is better than two fists full of labor and striving after wind."

In simple Hebrew poetry Solomon gives us some great truths for life in regard to labor.  He talks of those who work out of:  1) Envy (v. 4)   2) Laziness (v. 5)  and, 3) Greed (v. 6).    He gives us a reality check by observing that those in verse four who work out of envy (Proverbs 24:7) do more damage to themselves by having this "rivalry" with their neighbors.   We ought to avoid trying to have what the neighbor has and simply relax and find contentment in our own lives.   In verse five above he tells us about those, who instead of envying their neighbor and striving for what their neighbor has, instead simply fold their arms, do nothing and have only their own flesh to eat.   We see this with a lot of lazy people.  They refuse to work and then end of selling what they have to live on (that is what it looks like to eat your flesh).   Finally, in verse six we see the insight in regard to those who are using both fists to grab the wind (greed) and instead don't realize that one fist can get you want you need and the other ought to balance you for life with rest.   Envy, laziness and greed seem to be earmarks of today's society.   We ought to be careful to make sure that doesn't become our outline for life.   We are to find the balance with work and allow our work to become something we can offer to God.   Let's not try to grab so much to keep up with others or try to rest so much that we fail to work.   The moderation found in Christ is the solution for Greed, Envy and Slothfulness.

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