Thursday, October 12, 2023

There is a Kind That … - Proverbs 29-30

 Proverbs 30:11-14 (NASBStr)

There is a kind of man who curses his father

And does not bless his mother.

 There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes,

Yet is not washed from his filthiness.

 There is a kind —oh how lofty are his eyes!

And his eyelids are raised in arrogance.

 There is a kind of man whose teeth are like swords

And his jaw teeth like knives,

To devour the afflicted from the earth

And the needy from among men.

Notice how many times Agur, in these four proverbs, uses the words, "There is a kind of man ...".   Agur is a man who observes people.   In this inspired portion of his teaching we see him pointing out four types of people we should be aware of in our lives.   

1.  We should watch out for those who have little respect for those who are supposed to being honored and revered in life.   Of all the Ten Commandments the only one that had a promise was the one that told us to honor our father and mother.   So, we see that Agur, through the Spirit, tells us to be aware of those who lose the promise of a good life by cursing their father and mother.  Disrespect for the earthly authority is only a small step from the heavenly authority. 

2.  We are told to be aware of the kind that can't see their own flaws.   We know them.  We work with them.  They don't think they do anything wrong.   If we do tell them their wrongs we are wrong for how we tell them, or we are being judgmental.   Solomon warns us that those who can't take correction are fools. Those so pure in their own eyes that can't see their own faults should be avoided.   

3.  The third kind he warns us about the same as the last one but slightly different.   Since they can't see a flaw in the mirror they are puffed up and arrogant.   King Nebuchadnezzar was like this.  So much so that he eventually was humiliated by God and went crazy, eating grass like a cow.   Agur tells us that when we can't see a fault we eventually seek self promotion and we will become arrogant.  

4.  The last type naturally follows the other three.   When we don't respect others, especially authority sent to correct us, we will think we have no flaws and we will puff chests out and, naturally, use our tongues to hurt others.   We can't say, "I was wrong, " so we eventually say, "You are wrong."   We begin to attack others with our words, which is only a short breath from attacking them with swords.   Our tongue becomes our sword.   

When we lack a submissive response to the authority in our lives it begins a downward spiral that continues to hurt others.    There is a kind like that.  Avoid them.

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