Thursday, April 28, 2022

Why? God! - Job 32-34

 Job 34:21-23 (ESV)
“For his eyes are on the ways of a man,
and he sees all his steps.
There is no gloom or deep darkness
where evildoers may hide themselves.
For God has no need to consider a man further,
that he should go before God in judgment.

Perhaps the one time when mankind wants to ask about God is in the midst of a tragedy or in turmoil.  That is when mankind likes to ask, “Where was God?  Why did He allow this?”   Men and women can go weeks and months and years and never utter “God” once (except in foul language).  Yet, when tragedy hits, the entire world yells up at God, “WHY?!!!”    In the above passage we read something about God and His knowledge of mankind.   There is NOTHING hidden from God.  He knows about the tragedy. We don’t have to call His attention to it.  He knows all the steps of man.   The point is not where was God in the tragedy, the question is where are you at WITH God in the tragedy?    Mankind is headed for certain judgment.  This is the part that mankind does not get or understand.   When we cry out to God when something bad happens and ask why God did not stop it, we are assuming we have some entitled blessing due to us from God.  In those moments we are starting with a premise that God owes us goodness.  Yet, the above verses say the opposite.   God does not look down on the earth and think, “I owe these people.”  No, God looks down on the earth and sees the wickedness that we are, as compared to His holiness.  So, we should be saying, “WHY? God,” when we experience a blessing that is good.   God is standing in judgment to condemn our sin.  It is ONLY in His grace and mercy we experience something other than that wrath.  God does not have to sit back and consider our works.  He already knows them and they are wickedness compared to HIs holiness.   If something bad happens, go ahead and ask God, “Why?”   But, you might rather look around you and see the life you have and rejoice and ask God WHY for that!!

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