Monday, February 21, 2022

God Intervenes - Genesis 28-31

Genesis 28:10-13 (ESV)
Jacob left Beersheba and went toward Haran. And he came to a certain place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the LORD stood above it and said, “I am the LORD, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring. 

When God intervenes in our lives and steps in to communicate and care for us, great things begin to happen.   Jacob, in the above text, does not even know that God is in this place.  He will later name it Bethel, which means, House of God.   These chapters (28-31) are all a composite of God “stepping into a life” to direct it for His good.  When we yield to God stepping into to speak to us, guide us and help us, great things can and will happen.   When we meditate on the following verses we can rest in the sovereign work of God on the behalf of those He chooses.  God chose Jacob (who will later be named Israel).  When God chooses you, He stops into your life.  Rejoice in that fact.  Note these verses in this section that demonstrate that point:

Genesis 29:31 (ESV)
When the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren.

Genesis 30:22 (ESV)
Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.

Genesis 31:3 (ESV)
Then the LORD said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you.”

Genesis 31:7 (ESV)
yet your father has cheated me and changed my wages ten times. But God did not permit him to harm me.

Genesis 31:9 (ESV)
Thus God has taken away the livestock of your father and given them to me.

Genesis 31:16 (ESV)

Genesis 31:29 (ESV)
It is in my power to do you harm. But the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, ‘Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.’
All the wealth that God has taken away from our father belongs to us and to our children. Now then, whatever God has said to you, do.”

Genesis 31:41-42 (ESV)
These twenty years I have been in your house. I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times. If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been on my side, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God saw my affliction and the labor of my hands and rebuked you last night.”

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