Wednesday, August 11, 2021

God Puts Other gods to Shame!! - Psalms 96-98

Psalms 97:6-7 (ESV)
The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
and all the peoples see his glory.
All worshipers of images are put to shame,
who make their boast in worthless idols;
worship him, all you gods!

God puts other gods to shame!!  The comparison in the above two verses is impossible to miss.  We have, in one corner, the God of the universe.  He makes His glory known in the heavens.   This morning, on a morning bike ride, the sun was a stunning red ball in the sky.  It was hard to miss that picture of God’s glory.  The night before was clear and a bit crisp, but the stars shown from one corner of heaven to the other.   It would have been hard to miss and it would we as equally as hard to deny the awesomeness of their existence.  Notice what King David said in an earlier psalm:

Psalms 19:1-3 (ESV)
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.

When we cast our eyes to the heavens we see the most amazing aspects of God’s creation.   We see that God is a majestic creator who has given us a small glimpse of His character and his power.   

The opposite of all this is as equally read in the above two verses.   The idols of man are NOTHING compared to the power of the God.  Man has also created some interesting and awesome things.   We worship them often.  Our phones might be the one clear picture of man’s ingenious creative ability and man’s desire to worship something other than God.  If we defined worship as that which we focus on the most, can’t live without and take with us wherever we go, the modern day cell phone would fit that description.   Yet, in a few years it will be replaced by something so often we will wonder why we were so attached to it.   God is not like that. God puts man’s idols to shame. If we look at the complexity of just one star or the beauty of just one sunset, we will see that God puts the idol to shame. Isn’t it interesting that man’s idol (possibly a phone) is used to take picture of God’s greatest creation.   Stopping on the bike ride to capture the red ball of fire in the sky with an iPhone tells you which is really awesome.  The sun didn’t stop to take a picture of the phone.  The phone was used to take a picture of the sun.   That is God’s creation, His heavens, declaring the glory of God and putting man’s idols to shame.   

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