Sunday, July 18, 2021

What Makes a Good Servant of God? - Colossians 3-4

What Makes a Good Servant of God?

Colossians 4:7 (ESV)
Tychicus will tell you all about my activities. He is a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord.

Paul is closing out his letter to the church at Colossi.   He wants them to know about some of those who are traveling with him, in prison with him, but have served a long side of him for his service to Christ.   Although there general people who have helped him that he mentions, he mentions ten specific comrades.   The first one he mentions is Tychicus.   We are told in Acts 20:4 that Tychicus was a believer from Asian.   Along with the above passage and the Acts passage, he is mentioned three other times in the New Testament (Ephesians 6:21-22, Titus 3:12, & 2 Timothy 4:12).   In reading these passages we can learn that Tychicus was deeply engaged and involved in the ministry with Paul.  In the above passage Paul describes Tychicus in three ways:

1. Beloved brother - the word “beloved” is the Greek word, agapÄ“tos.   It comes from “agape” which is the highest form of love. A sacrificial type of love.   Tychicus was not just involved in the ministry, he was giving of himself to the ministry. 

2. Faithful minister - the word for “minister” is the Greek word, diakonos.  This is where we get the English word, “deacon.”   This is a real indication of Tychicus being willing to take care of whatever had to be taken care of for the ministry.   He was not the upfront person in the team.  He was willing to do whatever he was asked to do.  

3. Fellow servant - the word for “servant” is the Greek word, syndoulos.   This words mean co-slave.   Paul realizes that they are “slaves in the Lord.”   Tychicus was a slave with them and served the team, like our Lord, as a servant.  He gave of himself, took upon the form of a servant and was willing to come along side Paul and the team to further the Gospel.  

Tychicus is the example we all should be of a servant of God.  Paul commends him first in this list of ten.  Tychicus was an important part of the team, but  the main person of the team.  That was Paul.    Tychicus was, however, a key person in the establishment of the Church. 

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