Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Let the Nations Know ... !! Psalms 9-11

 Psalms 9:19-20 (ESV)

19 Arise, O LORD! Let not man prevail;

let the nations be judged before you!

20 Put them in fear, O LORD!

Let the nations know that they are but men! Selah

Let the Nations Know!!

We live in times where mankind does not readily recognize the power of God, the sovereignty of God and/or the activity of God in the affairs of mankind.   King David lived in a similar time.  He was the king of Israel and the nation had plenty of enemies.   The song they sung about David was that he “killed his ten-thousand.”   That means David had plenty of adversity in his life.   He was a warrior and could continue to fight the battle in his flesh, covered in armor or with a slingshot.  But, in this song, David turns to God and asks God to do the fighting for him.   Earlier in the song, David writes this:

Psalms 9:3-4 (ESV)

3 When my enemies turn back,

they stumble and perish before your presence.

4 For you have maintained my just cause;

you have sat on the throne, giving righteous judgment.

David knows it is God who is on the throne.  David trust in that thought.  That is why he can end the prayer in chapter nine with the above request.  He asks God to “arise” and let man know that they are “but men.”    Our politicians forget rather quickly they are but mere mortals.   The strut and gloat and puff out their chests as though they are gods.   Note what it says in chapter ten of Psalms about the wicked:

Psalms 10:6 (ESV)

6 He says in his heart, “I shall not be moved;

throughout all generations I shall not meet adversity.”

Yet, God will let all mankind know that He is LORD!   God will put them in fear!  God will let them know they are mere mortals!!

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