Wednesday, November 11, 2020

God Chooses Who Sits on the Throne - Psalms 131-133

 Psalms 132:11-12 (ESV Strong's)

11 The LORD swore to David a sure oath

from which he will not turn back:

“One of the sons of your body

I will set on your throne.

12 If your sons keep my covenant

and my testimonies that I shall teach them,

their sons also forever

shall sit on your throne.”

God Chooses Who Sits on the Throne

I am writing this the day after the presidential election in 2020.   As of this morning the race has not be called for either incumbent, President Trump or candidate Vice President Biden.   The nation will continue to argue, debate and fight about the results, no matter who wins.  The glory for the believer, however, is the fact that God sits on His throne and determines who sits on the “thrones” of the earth, as well.   In Psalm 132 we have a royal song about God choosing bot the place (Jerusalem) and the person (David) where His king (Jesus) will come from.   The politicians of our day think they are in charge.  They jockey for position and power as though it was chairs around the Thanksgiving Day table.   They want to “win” and use their power for their own “leverage” to accomplish their own “agendas,” no matter the party.  God, however, is in total control.  To those who obey His word and have faith in His promises, they can be assured that God will continue to put people in the positions He wants, when He wants them, for how long He wants them.  We, believers, do not sit on the edge of our sits, waiting for the results from pollsters, news announcers, or vote counters.  We simply rest in the sovereignty of God over the affairs of mankind.  That gives us peace to go throughout our day.   God chooses who sits on the thrones of the world!  Aspah, the author of Psalm 75, said it this way:

Psalms 75:6-7 (ESV Strong's)

6 For not from the east or from the west

and not from the wilderness comes lifting up,

7 but it is God who executes judgment,

putting down one and lifting up another.

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