Sunday, September 20, 2020

Hopeful Reservation - Philemon

 Philemon 1:22 (ESV Strong's)

22 At the same time, prepare a guest room for me, for I am hoping that through your prayers I will be graciously given to you.

Hopeful Reservation

The above verse might seem insignificant in the entire book of Philemon.   The book is written to Philemon, from Paul, who was in prison.  Paul is writing about a man, Onesimus, who was a slave in Philemon’s house.  Apparently, Onesimus had stolen something from Philemon or defrauded him in some way and had run away.   We can conclude that he was arrested and put in jail ... right next to Paul.   Paul must have introduced Onesimus to Christ and now he was “useful” to both Paul and Philemon (the name Onesimus means “useful”).   Paul is writing to Philemon to tell him to take Onesimus back, in love and forgiveness as a Christian brother.  Imagine the grace and forgiveness that would have had to be in Philemon’s heart!   But, the above verse adds even richer flavor.  In this verse, Paul pivots away from Philemon, Onesimus, defrauding and forgiveness.  In one sentence he tells Philemon to prepare a room for him because he has great hope of coming to visit with him and Onesimus.   This entire church, that was meeting in Philemon’s home, undoubtedly was praying for Paul’s release (see verses 4-7).   Paul believes so much that God will answer his prayers and theirs, that he makes a reservation for a room in Philemon’s large house.   This is just a great picture of hope and faith in the sovereignty of God.  Paul is recognizing that a man name “useful” at birth was directed by God to his prison, where Paul could lead him to Christ and truly make him “useful” to both Paul and Philemon.   Some simply see a run-away slave.   Paul sees the sovereignty of God.  Paul now let’s Philemon know that his request to have Philemon forgive Onesimus is, or might be, followed by a visit himself.   Paul sees the power of God in all this.  He does not see his circumstances.   Paul sees opportunity for more of God’s power to be displayed.   In hope of God’s faithfulness Paul makes reservations for a room.   Amazing!!  He had nothing to believe his circumstances would change.  Only that God is always working and moving one person from here to there to complete His amazing plan.   Why not make a reservation today, with that same thought in mind!!! 

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