Monday, September 21, 2020

God Keeps His Promises ... Even the Bad Ones! Numbers 25-28

 Numbers 26:64-65 (ESV Strong's)

64 But among these there was not one of those listed by Moses and Aaron the priest, who had listed the people of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. 65 For the LORD had said of them, “They shall die in the wilderness.” Not one of them was left, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun.

God Keeps His Promises ... Even the Bad Ones!

In this section of Numbers, Moses was instructed to count the people to take a census of each tribe.   The census was done in order to see the size of each tribe.  Their size would determine their portion of the promise land when Joshua lead them into the land. The larger tribes would be given more land and the smaller tribes less land.   But, the census also was conducted to demonstrate a promise of God.   God had promised that those who originally came out of Egypt would NOT enter the promise land do to their unbelief; their disobedience to His Word.   They all would die in the wilderness.   This is the reason for the above passage.   God is reminding them that He said those things and He accomplished His promise.  God always keeps His promises, all of them.   He keeps the good ones and the bad ones.   God promised that He would destroy that generation while they wandered in the wilderness for forty-years.   God did that.  There were a number of ways that was accomplished.  Some simply died of old age.  Some died from plagues sent by God.  Some died by the hands of the enemies of the land they were about to possess.   All of them died, except Joshua and Caleb.  God kept His promise to them, as well.  Imagine that 600,000 men came out of Egypt and God said they would all die, except two!   That is the power of God and the exactness of His promises.   

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