Thursday, April 23, 2020

Counselors Should Not Be Heavy Handed - Job 32-34

Job 33:7 (ESV Strong's)
7 Behold, no fear of me need terrify you;
my pressure will not be heavy upon you.

Counselors Should Not Be Heavy Handed

In the above passage, Elihu, the youngest of Job’s counselors, is speaking to Job.   Job is in crisis.  He is dealing with multiple tragedies, on multiple levels, in multiple arenas.   Job’s other three friends have condemned him, numerous times.   Elihu comes on the scene and begins to speak to Job.   But, before he does, Elihu tells Job that “my pressure will not be heavy upon you.”   When you do multiple coaching and disciplining session a year, you find a way to make sure you are not “heavy” upon those you coach.   This is what Elihu wants Job to know before he begins to speak.   Too many people are too heavy upon those they speak to.   We can add so much weight to our words.  We can make others, very easily, feel burdened down by our “advice.”   We have to be careful that the weight of the truth that we speak is not an anchor to their soul.   Typically when we help others who are hurting we tend to forget their hurt.  We can add to their hurt when we use tone, words, or arguments that are too weighty and/or to harsh.   This is how Job’s other friends came across.  They were focused on pointing out Job’s errors and faults.   Elihu announces he will be gentle and he, in turn, speaks in the chapters about the power of God.   Elihu glorifies God and frames these events in Job’s life in the context of the power of God, which gives Job hope.  Job’s friends, instead, point to Job’s faults and give him no hope.  Elihu should be my example in the work that I do.

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