Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tag: Organizational Leadership and God - 1 Samuel 11-15

1 Samuel 12:14
If you will fear the Lord and serve him and obey his voice and not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, and if both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God, it will be well.

Tag: Organizational Leadership and God

The truth of this passage is simple:

God cares little of our hierarchy as long as He is at the top of it!

The nation of Israel wanted an earthly king so they could be like other nations.  That might be the day “organizational management systems” were born in Israel.  Up until now, Israel was a “theocracy.”  God was their King.  The Church is a “theocracy” as Christ is Her head.  God is supposed to be at the top. He has little interest in our other management systems.  God does seem to believe in a single leadership model: Some “one” leading.  Moses lead.  Joshua lead.  Samuel lead.  The Judges Lead.  David Lead.  In the case we have above, Saul lead.   In the early church Peter seems to lead; then Paul; in Acts 15 James.   So, leadership is not the issue.  In each of these cases the Person at the top was God.   It is not who is leading the group, it is who is leading the leader that matters.  God wants and demands to be at the center of our lives and the top of the leadership food chain.  Nothing else matters if He is at the top.  

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