Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tag: Right Cause to Rejoice - Psalms 15-17

Psalms 16:9-10
Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
my flesh also dwells secure.
For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,
or let your holy one see corruption.

Tag:  Right Cause to Rejoice

We see a lot of sad and lonely people in the world.   They are sad, mostly, because circumstances have not risen to the expectations they desire.  They indeed have reason to pause and to reflect.   Their downcast spirit, however, might be due to the fact that they are looking for pleasure, satisfaction, and/or goodness in the wrong places; more importantly, the wrong Person.   In the above psalm, King David gives us both a reason and a Person to focus our praise, adoration and rejoicing around.  David states that his ‘heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices.”   He is able to say these words because his life is not focused on this world, but on the next.  But, he does have the assurance that in this life, he, too, can trust God for care: He states that “my flesh also dwells secure.”   David is rejoicing because he knows that God has complete control of his life.  In this life, God will care for his “flesh.”   But, if he is taken from this life he also knows that God will not “abandon my souls in Sheol.”  Sheol is typically understood as the “place of the dead.”   David is able to rejoice for the right reasons.   He can rejoice because he knows that God has his life, and death, in His complete control.   No matter the circumstances, God is in charge.   David has the right cause to rejoice.  He is not bogged down by circumstances.  He is up lifted by his faith in a God that controls every circumstance in his life and in his death.  His faith gives him reason to rejoice for the right reasons.   

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