Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Tag: Rulers Must Submit to Rule - Psalms 1-2

Psalms 2:10-11
Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear,
and rejoice with trembling.

Tag:  Rulers Must Submit to Rule

Psalms 2 is a royal song about the leadership and kingship of Israel ... and, the surrounding leaders.   The theme of the chapter, much like Psalm 72, is that leadership must be just and fall under the authority of the King of Heaven and Earth.   The key to the chapter is that the rulers of this earth (Israel and all other nations) are to be in submission to God.  Note the above two verses.  The “wise” kings of this earth, are to “serve” the Lord in “fear” and are to “rejoice” (presumably their “leadership”) in “trembling.”   A just ruler who submits to the King of the Universe will be blessed by the King of the Universe.  God has proven, throughout history, that He is FOR rulers who submit to Him and AGAINST rulers who resist Him.    This is not just true of rulers, but all mankind (see Psalm 1).    Imagine what would happen in our government if we had rulers who would submit to the King of the Universe.   God watches over the earth and sets up rulers and takes others down:

Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;

God is the ultimate Ruler of this earth.  All other rulers, no matter their nation, are to submit to Him in Humility and serve Him in fear and trembling.  Imagine an earth like that!!  That is Christ’s Kingdom.   God is setting up the Kingdom of Christ and He will rule and all other rulers will bow to Him.

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