Friday, August 17, 2018

Tag: We Win!! Daniel 7-12

Daniel 7:21-22
As I looked, this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them, until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given for the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.

Tag:  We Win!!!

The bottom line is God wins!!!   Yes, during this life there is plenty of suffering, evil, tribulation, pain, turmoil, etc.  But, in the end, God reigns and we reign with Him.  Note:

Revelation 5:9-10
And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation,
and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God,
and they shall reign on the earth.”

In the end, we are made rulers with Christ.  All the evil that has overcome us in our lives will be overcome, in the end.  In the end, we win.   God is the ruler and will completely wipe away the reign of sin and Satan.  In fact, that is what justification in our lives has done, already:

Romans 5:20-21
Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Today, Grace is to reign in our lives.  Grace is a Master.  We are to submit to it and allow it to rule our lives.   Through grace we, too, will reign.   We can rejoice in these truths because through Christ, in His grace, we win:

Romans 8:37-39

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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