Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tag: God is Faithful and Kind - Psalm 143-145

Psalms 145:10-13
All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord,
and all your saints shall bless you!
They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom
and tell of your power,
to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds,
and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and your dominion endures throughout all generations.
[The Lord is faithful in all his words
and kind in all his works.]

Tag:  The Lord is Faithful to All His Word and Kind in all His Works

The above lines, taken from Psalm 145, that appear in the [brackets], do not appear in all manuscripts that we have on Psalm 145.  They could have been added by one scribe and not others, or in the original text.   Some would point to these areas as why the Bible is unreliable.  However, the opposite may be true.  Those who care for these copies of the original text are so meticulous about their work, they spot any and all irregularities of the copying.  They spot everything little thing.  That doesn’t show a lack of reliability, but rather enhances the reliability of the text.   The position perhaps “added” does, however, reflect the previous contents of the verses.  If that is now what the writer of the psalm said, that is what the meaning and theme of what he wrote said.   God IS faith to all His Word and King in ALL His Works.  We can look at what we read in God’s Word and see that.  We can look at what He is doing in the in the lives others and see that.  We can look back in our lives and see the kindness of His work and the faithfulness He has to His word.   Some can’t, true.  Some can’t see His faithfulness. They only see despair and disappointment in their walk with God.   This psalm (song) is about recognizing that God is working and being faithful to His word, even in difficult times.   God has promised we will suffer.  So, in our suffering we are experiencing a promise from God.   He also, however, promises to be with us in that suffering.   So, we can be assured that God will keep all His Word in our lives to accomplish His plans and He is always kind and gracious in His acts to us.  

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