Saturday, July 29, 2017

Tag: Greatest Words Ever Spoken - Luke 23-24

Luke 24:6
He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee,

Tag:  Greatest Words Ever Spoken

The above words were stated by the angel when the women came to the tomb of Jesus on the third day.  They had hoped to anoint Him with spices and, instead, were anointed with THE most promising words ever spoken on the earth.  The women had hoped to care for Jesus' body but instead He had already cared for them by fulfilling His promise to raise from the dead after three days.  He has Risen!!!  Repeat them over and over today.  He has Risen!! There are not enough exclamation points to follow that statement to give it the impact it deserves.  When Christ rose from the dead He defeated death.  When Christ rose from the dead He defeated sin.  

When Christ rose from the dead He was crowned king over all principalities and powers.  When Christ rose from the dead He provided access for us to the Father.  When Christ rose from the dead He not only paid for our sins but He opened the door for us to have power over sin, as well.  He has Risen!!!

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